removable blind

Brent G

New member
Hey everyone. im a college student and i would like to make a very inexpensive boat blind. I have a 12ft lowe john boat already. i just got a 10hp johnson two days ago and i need help. Me and a friend want to camo the boat by repainting it. the base color is olive but i hunt everything from corn to willow trees in the fall and winter. what colors should i use and does anyone have any ideas for stencil use to add the max 4 effect. Also i was hoping someone could give me some plans to build a removable blind with using like the avery grass mates and piping of some kind for the frame. i want something durable and light weight. i hunt in missouri so the weather gets pretty nasty during duck season. Can anyone help with this. i have looked at older posts but im not coming up with anything. Everything helps thanks
The basic colors of camo are OD, tan(dead grass), brown& a bit of black, all flat finish. No one camo job will match all backgrounds. I favora large color block patern like TDB, this breakes up the shape of the boat. I don't like the stencil set-up cause all the fine lines blend into each other a short distance away & end up looking like a one color boat. I think most camo jobs are too dark for most backgrounds (reeds, weeds& cornstalks) Carl shows a basic frame blind thats light ,solid & cheep if built with EMT. You can hang die cut tyvec sheets, camo neting the grass mats or a painted tarp for wind break.
One word of caution!!! a 12' john boat is small for a 2 man duck boat! Put guns decoys lunch a dog blind
2men & your over loaded, a 6-8" wave can swamp the boat!!!
I hope this helps some.
Here is a quick easy home made blind, that costs around a $100.00 has served me well. Barre Army Navy has the best buys on camo netting onthe web, plain old green-brown is most versatile.

View attachment CamoNettingBlind.jpg

[inline BoatBlind1.jpg ]

I would not worry about a camo paint job on the boat as long as it is already Olive drab. That is camo enough. The same amount of time spent scouting will be better spent. I did the one in the pic years ago, my new boat will get a solid coat of OD & that will be that.

As noted above, as far as a 12' jon boat goes, be careful. You dont have much of capacity. With motor, two guys, 2 dzn decoys and guns, you are probably already over the weight limit.

If you are shooting out of the boat with a partner, I would leave the dog at home for sure.
Understand your limitations. Be safe.

View attachment BoatBlind1.jpg