Report back...good news NDR

Scott O.

Well-known member
Had all of the tubes removed today and got the pathology report.

The tumor made up "less than 5%" of the prostate (read: "early detection"), everything was contained within the "capsule"... and 100% of the "capsule" was removed.

I asked, "so what does that mean in English?". They said, "Go buy your wife dinner and have a glass of champagne. You dodged that one."

So I sit here exactly one week later, in this incredible time in which we live, with its medical miracles (to me at least) and get to tell you all. "I think we did it".

Very close monitoring continues but it sounds damn good to me.

Thank you all again from the bottom of my heart for your support and well wishes. I don't even know how to describe the feeling I have right now
That's great news Scott. I had the periscope thing done a couple of years ago. It ain't no thing and everyone over 40 needs it done. Glad they caught you early.

Ed L.
Very cool to hear my friend. Grab the Sapphire and come on over. Getting about time to have a dinner again with you, Lisa, Anne and I. Let's celebrate life......sure is precious isn't it. You have Got To Be elated. My prayers will continue always for you.
Later partner,
Nothing like a close call to make you appreciate life a little more... Glad to hear its good news.
Great news Scott, I am happy for you and our family.

I am sure many things went through your head during this time. The promises you made to whoever "if I get through this" be sure to keep. Inner reflection and all the "what if's" you experienced in the past couple of months were for reason. Think long and hard about it.

I like your doctors advice, seems like a good guy to me.

Mark W