Retirement Very Close

Mike Krei

Active member
I am very excited about retiring the last day of May and traveling back to Spokane, WA. I look forward to working on my duck boats and hunting my ass off this fall. Watch out ducks here I come.
Mike , Congrats !! Guess we will have to have a retirement party out hunting this winter, My last day is Nov 27th, I'll bring the elk steaks!!

Congratulations Mike, and I forgot how neat that sneakbox you picked up is. Looking forward to pictures of the restoration.
Congrats Mike! I'm counting down too, but have a verrrrry looooonnnggg way to go.

Congrats ,ah the feeling of having something to do and wondering what the heck it was you were going to do.....

I was trying to retire this year at 25 years of service and at 48 ,but i would have lost half years pay of severance and been penalized $2000 a month for not fitting into there formula.....I have to be 50 min age and there plan is years and service add up to 85 ,,,,,

Discrimatory I say .....age Discrimination ..... i dont think i can do it for 30 some years.....there is to many things on the bucket list to do and see...

So what are your plans for retirement anything that is sumthing you just have to do before ya pass on...??

Mine is to see them rocky mountains on horseback live in the bush for a few weeks ...maybe never come back....the call of the wild ....beckons me like an errie loon call on a foggy lake at nite fall..........

all the best to ya keep us in the loop.....

take care
Hi Fred,
Would you send me your contact information by PM. We will certainly get together this fall.
Plan on spending a weekend on the river with me and I will let you do some sanding on the BBSB, just kidding but look forward to seeing you.