River Queen Pontoon

I liberated this pontoon boat last Saturday 2/4/23 from 15 years of sitting behind a garage. I spotted her over 10 years ago and left a couple notes offering to purchase. I saw the owner at a local game dinner and I made my pitch again to rescue her with the promise of a bottle of bourbon and some river duck hunts. He agreed. I was back the next day with a chain saw, floor jacks and new tires. She was sunk up to the axel and held by numerous trees and vines. A couple hours of cutting, jacking and cursing and she was free! I got her home without any problems except I had to pull over anytime someone was behind me. I left a trail of leaves, weeds and old plywood all the way home. Stay tuned for her make over. I'll update periodically with pictures and description as she is transformed. If this thread ends....it's because my wife figured out this project is not a floating dock for a friend. River Queen.jpgRiver Queen 2.jpg

I like a man with Vision!

A little sandpaper, a little paint - and all sorts of waterfowls will be falling from the skies in prodigious numbers.....

All the best!



There is so much potential sitting on that trailer. I look forward to seeing how you transform her into a gunning platform.

The wheels are turning and plans are under discussion (in my head). I don't want to share my thoughts until I give it a sanity check with some hunting buddies. But stay tuned because it could be considered something brilliant.....or really dumb. My budget is $300 per man and I have 3 more crazy people to blame if this don't work out.

Remember I'm the nut who made the Tekke Bar duck blind, affectionately referred to by my friends as the "Duck Ark".
Duck Ark.jpg
I think I'd leave just as it is. Not a duck alive that would think someone would be hunting out of it. They would assume it was abandoned in place.

Good luck on the project.
