Sad day today..


Sorry to read about your loss. Lost a few myself and it always painful. Wishing you the best in a difficult time.
Sorry Howard,
Good bye old friend. It never is long enough. We are thinking of you this week.
My condolences Howard.

Losing a good dog just plain sucks.
Mourn her well, then give another puppy a chance to fill the void.

Brian F.
It is, indeed.

They see our best shots, and the misses of the easiest birds we could ever hope to shoot. They see us drag boats for hundreds of yards, and watch us forget about the last drainage ditch in the field. They will sit with ice on their coats, wanting nothing more than to go get one more. They shiver not from cold, but from the flock skirting the edge of the decoys. They sit in the rain, pondering your sanity with you. They get up early; they know the difference between a briefcase and a gun case. Between a coat and tie and the camo parka. They grin, and they pout. They cheer the hits, and they groan with you at the misses. If you ever needed a definition of sadness, it is a retriever watching a missed bird fly away...and be prepared to be chastised accordingly.

They are there for the best and the worst, and the hardest part of having such a good partner is that they are gone so soon.

The memories hurt, as maybe they should, for a while. But eventually you will see them for the treasures they are.

I am sorry for your loss.
You did not loose her that morning, she just moved on. She will still be there in the blind beside you, laughing at your misses. She will always be right beside you every time you put on your waders or pull you gun out of the case. Remember the good times as she will. My thoughts are with you.

I know exactly how you feel and it hurts like very few things can. I can promise you though the pain subsides but the love you felt never ever goes away and for that it's worth it.

Keep your chin up.
I held off opening this thread as I had a feeling what it was about from the title. I just wanted to pass on my condolences, he looks like he was a great dog.
and that is why God creates more puppies for us.

I know how you feel. I have lost three dogs in three years and the house is eerily quiet now. I just haven't been able to pull the trigger on another friend/companion but I will someday when the time is right. Peace, bro