Sanity check for RAKA

Bob Secoura

New member
I have been finishing up a working decoy/urn.

I sealed the inside cavity and bottom board with RAKA about a 10 days ago. It has been at room temp. Until just today, it has still felt a little tacky.

Is it ready for me to make the final assembly (bottom board to the body)?

Also, there is a little gap. Is there something I can use other than purchasing the wood fillers to add to the epoxy?

Thanks in advance.

Wash it with soapy water and dry may just be epoxy blush that you are feeling. You can mix up some fine saw dust with epoxy.
Try getting it more warm than it has been and see if it will harden up more. The old light bulb in a box would be sufficient. In my experience RAKA doesn't have hardly any blush. BUT if the ratio of resin to hardner wasn't perfect and the curing time is delayed because of that a little extra heat will help it kick over. If after that it still feels tacky you can try washing it.
I have used saw dust when I ran out of wood filler, but I found it to always be too course. Regular baking flour works well...Sam Devlin recommended that one.
To all,

Thanks for so many responses, so quick.

One more:

How soon after I bond this together will it be safe to hunt?

Best regards,

If you get the epoxy to day. When you say "tacky" you mean it sticks to your finger, or leaves fingerprints? Make a paste out of epoxy and flour to glue the halves together if you don't have any real fine sawdust from an orbital sander.