
William Reinicke

Active member
This isn't at all duck hunting, duck boat, or decoy related. So, if mods want to take this down, I fully respect that. Figured I would share and see if anyone had similar stories, because it is something you hear of but never truly see.

Mother in law and Trump share a day in common, and not for good reasons. Trump was a bit scarier as his was an actual assassination attempt but Mother in law dodged one in her sleep. She had been helping with bridge tournaments all day. Her bridge is my duck hunting, so I can't say anything. She is the president of the local club here, supposedly has a world ranking. I just nod my head and act like I understand... I really don't though. She said she was exhausted and went to bed early. Around 3 am she said she woke to a loud pop and thought maybe a picture had fell off a shelf or the wall. She said she went right back to sleep. The next morning she sent me a pic of her ceiling and said a hole was in right above where she slept at night. Looking at the photo, I could see something entered through the roof. I asked her what was in her bed that caused it. Bless her heart, she's a bit older in age and originally she sent me a photo of some insulation. I told her it would be a hard object, but there was something else there. She got a little snooty, thinking I was harassing her, but then she found it. The bullet that was literally laying a foot from where her head lays at night. Freaked out, she asked me to come over while the police came and took the report. I told her she needed to for the home-owners stuff to get the roof and ceiling fixed. But talk about LUCK! She is wanting to move in now, I just told her a couple more years and Ill hope to have an in laws home built, but if she wanted to pay for it now, I would allow it. Shes tired of the city and wants to be in the country with us, and I don't blame her.


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Glad she's ok. Did the second floor neighbor shoot through the floor? Maybe he has a hole in his foot.
That is scary. Every year or so we get cases where someone dies because some genius was shooting into the air. What goes up must come down.

I am glad to hear that she is okay.
Glad she's ok. Did the second floor neighbor shoot through the floor? Maybe he has a hole in his foot.
Lol no thats not the case. She lives in a double wide that is inside a gated community for elderly folk. It's kind of a cool place and it's very social but its still in the city. When we moved to the country a few years ago, she fell in love and has asked how we can all figure out how to get her close to us. There is a 3/4 acre lot next to me that I keep trying to figure out how to obtain. Owner won't sell and keeps putting tenants in the house that are less than ideal for many reasons. House currently on the property is pretty much condemned and I would just bulldoze. I kind of snuck over there one late night, when the house had been empty for awhile, and looked in the well house, and it seems to be fully operational and working well. Needs some filters and maybe a new pressure tank, but from what I could see, that was very operational and put out clean water from the sample I was able to obtain. The plan would be to just have her buy a new one, I would pay for the land, and then we would have the home put on a foundation. I could then run all the plumbing to the well house and then we just need to figure out electrical and getting her tied into my sewage line. Pretty easy stuff I suppose.

Unfortunately, this one came through the roof, police believe someone just shooting up in the air and she was almost victim to the projectile finding its way back to earth.
It left quite a hole, I guess a free falling bullet makes sense if it's a trailer roof. Knuckleheads, shooting up in the air.
It left quite a hole, I guess a free falling bullet makes sense if it's a trailer roof. Knuckleheads, shooting up in the air.
Might have a better picture. Hold tight.

Yup here you go. These were the original pics she sent me before I got there. They’re super close and doesn’t do the hole much justice. But it was obvious to me something entered through the roof. Poor thing sent me this picture of the insulation trying to say this was all that came through the roof. I was really hoping it wasn’t a bullet, but she confirmed my fears when she finally found it.


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Glad to heard your MIL is ok. If you tie in the other house to your septic it may cause issues. You may look at resizing your system to accommodate the increased load if your system is ready for replacement.

I am currently dealing with this on 2 trailers on my Dads property.

Rick Lathrop

Glad to heard your MIL is ok. If you tie in the other house to your septic it may cause issues. You may look at resizing your system to accommodate the increased load if your system is ready for replacement.

I am currently dealing with this on 2 trailers on my Dads property.

Rick Lathrop
No longer allowing septic. Oddest thing about this little town I live in, but they have a vendetta against septic it seems. Go over a town to the south and to the north and their jurisdiction allows them, but not where I live. So when I purchased my home, I had to have a pump put in and tied into the main sewage line. I put the pump near the house, but I had the company put the main connection right at the border of the two properties. So I would likely have to have one of those pumps put in, but the tie in would actually be closer to that property than mine.
We have found a 9mm smashed on the ramp where one of the coast guard planes were parked while doing a FOD (foreign object debris) walk. Imagine if there was training in schools that taught everyone sensible things like gun safety.

Glad that a hole in the roof was the max of the problem. Crazy what a small chance of something like that happening.


Imagine if there was training in schools that taught everyone sensible things like gun safety.

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Ive been preaching this FOREVER!! Why are we putting same sex books in our children schools but we cannot mandate a little gun safety or maybe a hunter education course within our schools??? Maybe just maybe some knowledge around firearms would prevent some of these incidents?
Ive been preaching this FOREVER!! Why are we putting same sex books in our children schools but we cannot mandate a little gun safety or maybe a hunter education course within our schools??? Maybe just maybe some knowledge around firearms would prevent some of these incidents?
I wrote an in-depth letter to Senators Duckworth and Durbin here in Illinois about the benefits I had in school in the 60s because it was offered along with my family training I received. I won't bore with the contents but I never received a response from Senator Durbin and the response I received from Senator Duckworth was civilians have no need for guns. The world has changed. Youngsters are not getting the parental guidance they need and no one gives a damn!
I wrote an in-depth letter to Senators Duckworth and Durbin here in Illinois about the benefits I had in school in the 60s because it was offered along with my family training I received. I won't bore with the contents but I never received a response from Senator Durbin and the response I received from Senator Duckworth was civilians have no need for guns. The world has changed. Youngsters are not getting the parental guidance they need and no one gives a damn!
It’s beyond sad that a senator even stated civilians have no needs for guns. One of the steps to becoming a communist country, is removal of civilian firearms. Then again… not sure what other kind of response I’d expect from any govt entity out of Illinois.
Ive been preaching this FOREVER!! Why are we putting same sex books in our children schools but we cannot mandate a little gun safety or maybe a hunter education course within our schools??? Maybe just maybe some knowledge around firearms would prevent some of these incidents?
Firearms safety/ hunter education was offerred during the timeframe that my daughters were in high-school. Can't say just what is offered at this point in time.
Firearms safety/ hunter education was offerred during the timeframe that my daughters were in high-school. Can't say just what is offered at this point in time.
Same sex books in all libraries starting at the age of 7 years old, claiming its perfectly normal. Thats what is offered today......

Not against homosexuals in the slightest, but planting that seed in children who barely understand whats going on between their legs is absolute NONSENSE and makes me so angry to even think about.