Scaup v. Snow Goose


I've been "lurking" on the site for a couple of months. Learning a lot and considering my boat options. It's really nice to find a place where others share a passion for the water and hunting!

I was hoping to get some thoughts about the pros and cons of Devlin's Scaup and Snow Goose. Size-wise they are quite similar. I live near the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers in Upstate NY. Obviously with river hunting/fishing there is often a need to travel a several miles. We get a nice stripper run during the spring and would like to be able to use the boat for that as well as ducks.

Am thinking about a side-mount steering console and removable seats for fishing. Any thoughts on which design makes the better compromises for all around use? Anybody have experience or words of wisdom to share?

Hi Kevin,
There are a lot of folks here who are way more expert than me and can probably give you a better answer, but my partner and I did build a Snow Goose (his boat) a few years ago, and I'm ready to build my own boat this spring. Even having already built a Snow Goose, I was leaning toward building another because it's such a great boat. I am probably going to build a Scaup or BB III, just for something different. I think Devlin describes your use well as his rationale for designing the Snow Goose and Honker.

I think if you intend to use the boat for more than duck hunting, the Snow Goose would be way more versitile. We built the steering console and the little cabin trunk Devlin shows on the plan. The steering console is great, we found that we really don't use the cabin, it feels claustrophobic in there.

Hope that helps,

John, could you post some pics of that boat? I agree, the Snow Goose lends itself to a console much better than the scaup.
I seem to have forgotten how to post pics, I'm going to bump and old post which has a picture of the Scaup with my hunting buddy and my dog Yoda.
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Thanks guys! The feedback seems pretty consistent. I didn't realize the plans include the console option. That's good news. I'm the type that will take a week just to figure out the right placement for something like that. Work much better with plans that someone else has thought through.