Shorebird Decoys

Hello all. I was looking for a little assistance on identifying these two shorebird decoys. I have had them for a while and believe the one on the left is a curlew. I do not know what the one of the right is. I am far from an expert in decoys. I was hoping one of you would know what they are and possibly throw out a circa date. They both have tack eyes. The curlew has a square nail as a beak. The other decoy has a wood beak. Both are about the same size and I placed a standard decoy behind them for reference. Any help would be great. It seems I get more questions about them then other decoys in my small collection and know nothing about them.

View attachment shorebird.jpg
William, I don't know anything about the shore birds, although they look like real nice additions to your collection. I have two Bill Walker shore birds that I won at our local DU dinners. Bill would set up a booth at the Point Mouillee show in Rockwood Michigan.
Tell us a little about the decoy in the background. It looks like a classic Michigan Can. Good luck with your search.
Thanks Rod,

The can decoy in the background is a Custom Bilt decoy out of San Diego. I believe it is made of balsa wood. I only can assume it came out of the Hagerbaumer shop as it looks like several of his sketchings.
Curlew on the left for sure. I would say yellow legs on the right but usually they don't paint the legs black...Hmmm