Shorething Goose Call

Just plopped down $155.00 for a Shorething Goose Call...
I'm looking for the one call to goto... Every time.

Any opinions???
John Taylor is a World Goose Calling Champion, and World Goose Calling Champion of Champions. He knows a little about goose calls and goose As long as it is tuned to your liking and you can run it, it should serve it's purpose well. If you are looking for a magic call that will turn you into an accomplished caller overnight, there is no such thing...'s the best call I have blown for geese. I am up on the North Fork of LI. The call has great range and is definitely my go-to call. It took me a little while get used to it but after that, I have found nothing else that I like better.

I"ve had a shorething going on 4 seasons now...outstanding call....That and my traffic make a deadly combo
I do not believe that one style of call will work for all situation. It all boils down to how well the call is tuned to your ability to use it. How well you can vocalize the tones you want to make with it. $$$$ does not always translate to a call you can used effectively in your area. Working with the maker of the call to get it right for you for the $$ you are paying should be considered.
