Is this THE Justin Harrison?!?!?!
He's not such a bad guy, just don't bring up missing harlis to him! Hahahaha
Sorry man, I couldn't help myself!
Welcome bro!
doe grey..............doe grey.
and, just to be sure:
i didn't miss em own decoys, and several harlies shot over and tim never fail to work your butts off bud!
Keith, I actually had someone send me the link of your shoveler tutorial.....i was like, "what the heck is this place", i started looking around. i'm gonna dig this place. and you absolutely can not be from this planet as your work never ceases to both amaze and inspire....
John, your birds have such a unique personality and I was wondering where ya got off too.........i just saw your "developing your personal style post".......fantastic.
Chad, I'm coming.....i promise. Lila's 6 months old and I can't quit playing w/ her long enough to do much else.
Mr. TomN, the worst part about your decoys is you don't post enough of them........they are all great........
tom modin, I do get over there every few weeks. since wack took the espn job, it waxes and wanes as far as usage, but when he's there and griffin and foots are drunk, it's truly some of the funniest reading on the net.....
in any case, rhodes, i really wanted to make an eider rig w/ all this new cedar i have and come up to your part of the world again......................but, i guess i'll just make some bread eaters and shoot em down here, hehehehhehhe