Shotgun Stolen

Eric Patterson

Staff member
Well I'm in the market for a new shotgun. My Benelli M1 was stolen last night. My neighbor's car was broken into also, glass everywhere. I never ever leave my gun in the truck overnight but last night I was in a hurry to get ready for our company Christmas party when I realized it was in the back seat of my truck from the morning hunt. I neglected to get it out of the truck before I went to bed and someone decided to steal it. One damn night and I get hit. Missed our hunt this morning because we had to fill out a police report. Being that it was a gun there was no waiting until later to fill out a report. Police wanted it ASAP. As far as I know that's all they took from me.

So now I'm in the market for a new shotgun, a car alarm, and maybe even a survelillance camera. That Benelli M1 was the best shotgun I ever owned. I might go with an M2 just because I liked the M1 so much. As for a car alarm and camera I'll have to research those. Insurance should cover the loss but I will eat the deductible (TBD) and will be forking out money for security. This is the third or fouth time we've been hit since living here. They caught some teenagers a few years back that had broken into over 100 vehicles. My guess is more rich teenagers looking for a thrill, or a druggie looking for his next score. I would love nothing more than the sorry bastards to get caught and punished to the fullest extent. Stealing a firearm does not equate to any sort of leniency in my book. It ought to cause PAIN.


Too bad about your gun. I too have had guns stolen from my vehicles, twice. Once at home in the drive and once while away from home. Getting the guns replaced was painless. Knowing they were in the hands of criminals was less comforting.

As for a replacement weapon for you, I might recommend you look at the Benneli Vinci model. I like the fit and like the way it breaks down. I'll admit the Vinci does not have the classic lines of a shotgun but it grows on you after a bit. As far as pure function, I doubt one would notice any difference between the Vinci and the M2 model.

Sorry to hear of your troubles. Agree 100% that there should be no tolerance for stealing firearms. There was a story not all that long ago of a young guy stealing a handgun and then selling it to two other bad seeds. Well, they went and committed a murder. The guy who stole the gun was given life in prison even though he wasn't at the crime scene and had no knowledge of their plan. Judge said had he never stolen the gun the murder never would have taken place.

Are you sticking with a semi? I'm a big fan of my O/U.
Put the word out to the kids in the neighborhood. Thet usually aren't from far away. Isn't easy to sell a gun, usually leaks out. A customer had 23 guns stolen from his office, grand daughters boy friend. Word leaks out easily.
I knew a guy who got his guns taken and he put a few adds up on Craigslist and offered a reward and one of the kids friends called and turned him in for the $150 reward money. The adds were free and he got his guns back. Might be worth a shot. Also if there are pawn shops in your area let them know to keep an eye out. Good luck finding the gun/thieves
I've owned a M1 for many years, it was the first "new" gun I bought. The only time it has ever failed me was back in 2010 during the Michigan late season. It took a dunk and froze solid.

As for video. Last fall I left my truck unlocked and it got ransacked. I bought a system from Costco and installed it myself on a Sunday. My brothers girlfriend wanted one installed in her restaurant, we installed 8 cameras on another Sunday. I can check my home from work on my smartphone. It will send me alerts when movement is detected depending on how I have it configured.
If you want more info let me know.
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I installed 4 cameras... soon to be 6.
Hey look, no weeds to pull.
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Sorry to hear you got hit. I rarely leave my vehicle out but the one night I did, they smashed out a back door window and took my trapshootng bag which had an extra trigger in it and other expensive equipment. It happened about 5 yrs ago and I'm still finding pieces of glass on the floor. I believe you can go to BATF website and put it on there. Trapshooters .com also has an ongoing list of stolen guns you can list it on. Hope they catch them.
Eric, Doesn't that just make you feel empty? Sorry to hear about your loss. We have been robbed a couple times but never lost a gun.
It sucks big time, I can empithize with you. Many years ago New Years Eve my truck was broken into andI had a Charles Daly Empire Grade Double and an 1100 stolen out of my truck. Sorry, not a good way to end the year
Appreciate the comments.

After mulling it over I think a car alarm is the route to go. The surveillance cameras are slick but it seems like a really loud car alarm would scare off the thieves. Mark, what does your system do to actually make the theives go away. Or does it take nice pictures of them stealing your stuff :)
Bastages! I hope you get a chance to be held accountable for stealing a gun. I agree with the idea of spreading the word.

Mark-awesome decoy picture!
You might want to get night vision cameras for the time the thefts occur. I new someone that had been broken-into a few times. He tried to make sure all the vehicles they had left the property and he stayed behind to try and get them in the act. It never worked as they seem to know when someone was not there. This led me to think that the thieves had some kind of E.S.P. or someone could be watching the people coming and going and saw when the time was right for others to break-in. I had another person tell me he was sure it was one of the neighbors was he problem and he should invest in a surveillance system. The system should not have any blind spots as someone could sneak-up damage a camera. In the age of cellphones, it can make it easier for informants.
Car alarms only make them run away a little faster with your stuff and besides, mine only works when I remember to lock my truck.
The cameras have infrared and do pretty good at night.
Couple other reasons I got it is because there is a bus stop at the back part of my property and kids will be kids, my barn at the back of my lot doesn't have an alarm and my house alarm isn't connected to a service. If someone walks up to any doors the system texts and emails me instantly.
Also, since we have a small business we get daily UPS deliveries that sit on our porch until evening. I know exactly when the delivery is made, and I can call the cops if someone tries to walk off with a box. It's also nice when we go north for the weekend or on vacation... DVR records 24/7.
They are a deterrent, I think they also reduce house insurance, I'll find out after I put another camera up in a blind spot.
Here's a pic from a few minutes ago.
The fish eye camera can be remotely controlled from my smart phone or any computer I'm at... I love techy stuff :)
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Sorry to hear that Eric. That happened to me many years ago. In fact I know who stole it but could never prove it. This individual has been in jail so many times through the course of time for some of the dumbest stuff. I think currently he's spending time in prison for his forth DUI and endangering a child. You see he got drunk at a local watering hole while making his girl friends 13 year daughter drive him from bar to bar.
Being someone who has had my fair share of thefts and recently caught the little angels, here are a few suggestions.

1. Write down everything about the shotgun that you can. Serial number, scratches and dings particular to that gun and anything else that can positively identifiy it.
2. Email this description to every place where the little shits could possibly pawn it.
3. Email the NRA with the same info, they could be helpful. Email local DU and pheasants forever chapters.
4. Have your kids text their buddies about the theft. If it's kids, word will eventually leak out about who took it. Kids can't keep their mouth shut.

As far as protecting your home.

1. Motion activated lights with big ass flood lights. Thieves hate being illuminated.
2. Clearly visible signs warning of cameras and alarms systems.
3. Alarms are good for letting you know someone is breaking into your home if you are there. If you are away, the time it takes for the monitoring company to call the police and the police to arrive, the thieves will be gone. Alarms alone aren't the answer.
4. Trail cameras are OK if you don't go up and down your driveway often. I thought of that route until I realized how many times my driveway is used/day and came to the quick conclusion that a trail cam would not be able to keep up nor the batteries last very long.
5. Surveillance cameras are good if you get a good enough one to actually see the face. Many aren't that good at night.

Hate to say this Eric, but it isn't something you don't know. Can't leave anything in your car if it is parked outside. It sucks that you have to change your lifestyle for these little pukes but it is the truth.

I know how you feel about the M1. I have the same gun and have not found a gun since that I like nearly as much. It is a great gun that just points straight for me. I have a feeling that your going to get your gun back.

Mark W
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Sorry to hear about your loss Eric. Our family has been there in the past as well...twice. The first time I had .22 revolver taken from my truck, (I usually kept it in there to dispatch roadkilled deer, not anymore), they also took my Steiner binoculars, a GPS unit, CD's and other miscellaneous stuff. They culprits were caught...teenagers looking for a thrill. The police recovered everything but my GPS unit, the kids were ordered to pay restitution and were also banned from graduating with their class. Somehow, I doubt that mattered much to them. I think one of them may have also been sent to Juvy.

Anyway, I hope they find the little #$%$%'s and recover your items.
