I was wondering if anyone here could help... My wife fell in Sept 2012, dislocated and shattered her shoulder, the end of the humerus. It tore the soft tissue away from the bone but the little pieces of bone were still attatched to the ligaments and such. They reattached those back in place during the surgery... In January they manipulated her shoulder to get the range of motion back. The main problem now is she is having trouble getting her strength to move her arm. She says the pain is terrible and can not move it very far, probably less than 20%. The Dr. says it will come and the pain is why she can't move it. They say the only way to really see if something is not right he would have to go back in and look. Therapist seems to think something else is going on with it Have a Dr. appointment this coming Fri. I have looked online and it looks like what the dr. is saying is right on, but others do not agree. I do not have a problem with getting a second opinion, I am not sure, if it would be different, who to believe then.... She can not go on with the little movement she has. I appreciate any help I can get here.......