Skinned nose-wet shells-sore pads

Steve Sutton

Well-known member
where's my WD-40?


a little spritz will fix that right up..(eat your heart out RIG).


what do you do to get rid of the raw skin on your dogs nose my black labs nose has looked the same for a month and when i took her to the vet he made it sound like it wasnt a big deal but it hasnt gone away or started healing

no matter what I put on it results in a licking, slurping, smacking, session once the lights go off that makes one think that they are in a Linda Lovelace marathon with the projector bulb blown.....

So far, if Mike gets a couple of days off his nose will dry up, get a little crusty, and hten be fine....

That picture was mid-trip on a 9 day hunt in Montana and really wasn't all that bad compared to what it looked liek by the end of the trip.....

Bag balm I know will work "if" your dog doesn't immediately lick it off....

What the heck?!?! It isn't that he's sore it's that you must have been hunting with the DC. That black cloud stuff must be as good as he says.

he uses it? I'll never be able to buy it again....IN MY DEFENSE....thats some that left over from the first year it came out...way before he could have been doing the "Black Cloud is THE BEST shell in the know like inflatable Feather Flex decoys are--TRUST ME Sheeple I'm the DC"......

Oh more Browning products and no more Black Cloud.....

One stop DC sponsor info here
Good thing he is always open to higher bids, just wait a year or two and you can buy a new supply.
