Some icy good times

Tom Modin

Well-known member
met up with some duckboat fellas this weekend for a fantastic trip. The hunting was great the companionship was better. A big thank you to Jim and Tim for hosting me.

Brandon was a little icy

so was I by the end of the day

Southern Cali decoys even survived the temps.

birds were shot

birds were eaten, and yes the goldeneye were cooked and you could not tell they were mixed in with scaup and buffs.

Everyone was leery of eating golden eye, so we did a test run using two pans. One pan with skin the other without. Without the skin was preferred but both tasted excellent paired with a nice cheese. Even better with a red wine, raspberry reduction on it. There were no pieces left from the sample run, nor complaints.

Had a great time with you and Brandon this weekend. Just a heads up to any of you out there.....If Tom wants to cook for you let him!

We should have gotten a picture of the boats before we cleaned them off!

Two really quick pictures off of my phone from the trip. I plan to download my good camera tonight and I hope to have a few more good pictures to share with the group.. Was a great time!
I had no idea how much ice was on my back that first day.


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Lordy that is COLD y'all.

looks like y'all had a good time...was the wind blowing a lot and that's why the ducks got iced up like that? were they sinking? I don't deal much with ice down here unless it's in a glass with something to drink....

Hi Dani

Yes we had a cold North wind blowing, probably 12-15 mph and it was in the teens degree wise, so any water that splashed froze on whatever it landed on boats, decoys and hunters.

Fortunately, everthing did float, just not always the way we intended. We pulled the plug on the hunt when the decoys were floating keel side up.

Guys - This was a real testimony for hand carved decoys. I was very impressed how well they did despite the circumstances. Every carver represented in our rigs should be proud of how well their handmades did despite the most extreme conditions. Having hunted since 1972, I've never experienced ice like that. My bouy bird blue goose had to have 20lbs of ice on it. When we went to pick up, the only thing above the water what it's head. And, it's "ice helmet" just fell off yesterday...
it was nice to meet you also Dave. I have a couple days of work and then headed to Oklahoma for their split opener. The weather man says is might be 30 degrees warmer there than what we hunted last weekend. After that trip I might just shoot some honkers for a week or so. Last night I was in the garage hollowing a bird. When I walked out there were honkers coming from the North and 30 minutes later when I went inside they were still in the air. Has been several years since the big push of honks showed up in my area of Missouri. We might just make them pay a few times.
Yah, that So Cal deek may have survived that weather, but I doubt the guy that sent him to you would have!

Glad you guys got into some birds after dealing with those conditions.

Migratory birds showing up here as well. Last night Jim Williams, his cousin and I spent some time in the blind and got some shots at those Canada's. I hope to shoot a Spec this year to make a pattern from and maybe carve some hollow Specs. Will be back at this afternoon and hope to bring home a couple more of those big birds.
Tom that's really cool. :)
Nothing like the feel of ice crusted jackets to build an appetite.
