Some knives I made.

Yukon Mike

Well-known member
Well, I bought the blanks finished and just put handles on them. What a fun project - no measuring! I'm not offering these ones for sale here, just showing them off. If I have any left after the craft show this weekend I'll maybe put them in our classifieds. Also, if anyone out there has a use for all the scrap pieces of sheep horn and ivory I made, drop me a line. I have lots of little bits.

Wooden handle with sheep horn finger guard.

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Mastadon ivory fillet knife.

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Wood and ivory.

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I love this one. Sheep horn handle with a brass finger guard. I carved little dimples all over the handle and it feels really cool in my hand. I'll be keeping this one.

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Another ivory one. I find the darker ivory to be more brittle and less workable, but it sure is pretty. I've had this piece kicking around for ever and tried to make different things out of it but they just broke, so I thought I'd try this and see. I'll keep it as a test, but in the future I'm going to use less ancient ivory. The whiter it is the softer and safer I've found. I got a $750 chunk off a guy and after I sliced it up I got enough good blanks to make that fillet knife and one other handle, the rest is a bucket of shards.

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More pics coming...
I'm keeping this one too. The bolster is sheep horn and the handle is bison horn.

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And one more sheep horn one. I love the color.

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I'm interested to see what sells tomorrow. We have a really good knife maker in town named George Roberts (look up Bandit Blades online if yer interested) and he's been helping me along. Really nice guy, a true artist, but I sure can't afford his knives. Mine are priced from $60 up to about $250.

Mac is going to try to sell some of his home made pike lures for $5 each.

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The ivory is a by product of the gold mining around here. They dig it up. It runs about $50 - $80 a pound and I buy it from small time miners usually. A pound is a chunk the roughly the size of your fist.


First decoys and now knives? What's next.......???

Beautiful work. I really like the muskox handles. The ripples remind me of highly figured walnut gun stocks:)
Those are some really nice knives. I agree with those at like the musk ox, that is really cool. But my favorite is the Mastodon fillet knife. Most likely becaus I really want a good fillet knife.

Where are you sourcing your knife blanks from?
