Reminds me of 2004 when we took an indirect hit from Hurricane Charley (Cat 4), then (2) two direct hits from Hurricanes Frances (Cat 4) & Jeanne (Cat 3).
Charley hit us on Aug 9th, Francis on Aug 25th & Jeanne on Sept 13th.
We went on Alpha/Bravo (12 hours) shifts for (6) six weeks, though most lasted between (14) fourteen & (18) eighteen hours.
During Frances, the wind blew horizontal for (4) four hours, mushrooming my ridge vent, causing $60,000 worth of damage to the interior of our home.
If the wife wasn't hold up inside with her girlfriends poking holes in the ceilings, we would have lost the entire interior of the house.
We ran off a home genny for a total of (20) twenty days, the longest stretch being (11) eleven.
We lived on concrete floors for (4) four months & it took a total of (8) eight to get back to normal.
I was in charge of a aid station/supply depot during the day handing out MRE's bottled water & roofing supplies & patrolled @ night for looters.
Police & fire departments from all over the USA responded with manpower & vehicles to get the area back up & running.
It was totally amazing the support we received.
The unlicensed contractors, mostly from up north came down here in droves & it took years to work those criminal cases through the courts.
Some good things that came out of the devastation was all gas stations, home improvement/grocery stores & Banks had to put in back-up generators with enough fuel to run for (7) seven days.
Also, Florida Power & Light went on & are still on a massive powerline clearing program & are in constant maintenance mode.
We here in Florida feel your pain!!!