Some pix from our weekend


Hastily loading hulls for the trip north

The blind boat loaded and ready

Camp, running the mice out

Getting the boat brushed up

Getting set

Here comes the snow...the birds came with it

My son...who needs a haircut

His first bill of the year



Great set of pictures, John. Liked the shots of your young son holding the duck. Is that a yellow lab?
Looks like a good weekend. Congrats on your son's bill. I know what you mean about the haircut, my 12 year old son doesn't want to cut his hair.

Your pics have me looking forward to the diver hunts, it'll be a couple of weeks before I'll be chasing them.
WOW, that float boat looks HUGE. Is it the way the picture is taken? What is the length of that? Congrats on the birds, stay out of the wind the next few days.
those pictures are awesome. That snow squall is a duck hunters dream. Looks like the younger generation in your outfit is well on the way to being a duck hunter for life.

Great set up with the brush. Looks like its own island.
Al that is indeed a yellow lab, Cha-chi, he's not a great hunter but he looks real good! he spent a good deal of time in the hospital last spring and lost a few brain cells but that story is long and well, he's healthy and happy again and loves the boat, he only retrieves the birds that are real close now, my hunting buddies yellow lab jake does the heavy lifting. we still have to get in the tender now and again when the wind is up but the dogs do pretty well. one of the reasons I like the blind boat over a layout, love watching the dogs work.


WOW, that float boat looks HUGE. Is it the way the picture is taken? What is the length of that? Congrats on the birds, stay out of the wind the next few days.

The pic is a little decieving, the boat is 24' long 8'6" wide, the motor is a merc 200 DFI, 4 pontoons with lifting strakes. It steers like an old cow when idling but once up on plane it handles real nice and will hit 30mph fully brushed, the ducks seem to be attracted to it...or it could just be my good looks?