Some times my job just sucks

Brad Bortner

Well-known member
I usually think that I have the best job in the world, but this has been a tough week. And was a tough way for friends to go. But this isn't about me.

The two gentlemen who died in this airplane crash were close personal friends, who were dedicated to America's wildlife and their habitats, especially waterfowl. They were fine biologists, and great human beings. They had completed a long day of counting waterfowl along the coast of Oregon and Washington and were returning to the airport. The waterfowl of the continent just lost two people had dedicated their lives to their protection. Both Ray and Dave made many contributions to Pacific Flyway waterfowl. Sorry I can't be more articulate at the moment, but articles above have said everything I would have.

God Speed guys.
Brad, I am sorry for the loss of your friends. From reading the articles and also reading about this on another forum it seems to be agreed by all who know them or knew of them that this is a great loss to waterfowl conservation. I'm sure they will be missed. Prayers out for their friends and families.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your friends Brad. God bless their families. Hang in there bud. I've lost co-workers as well. Sometimes life sucks......................Kevin
Brad, sorry about your friends. Sometimes a loss is just a reminder to appreciate what we have while we have it. dc
That's a terrible tragedy. It seems that no matter how good you are at flying, the more hours you log in the air with light aircraft the more likely the unthinkable could happen. I'm sorry for your loss Brad and of course it sounds like there are many others like yourself that were close to these guys.
Brad, very sorry to hear about the loss of your friends and colleagues. Will send a prayer up for them .
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Brad, Sorry for the loss of your friends. Sounds like we lost two good ones for sure. Prayers sent to their family and friends.