Source for fiberglass


Active member
I just got the plans for my layout boat. They call for 10 oz X 60" fiberglass cloth. US Composites only lists the 10 oz cloth in 50" widths. They do have 6 oz in 60" wide, but I am not sure if this will be strong enough. I tried Raka but their website was not working. I figure that someone here should be able to point me in the right direction. The 60" wide cloth is to be used on the deck. Will the 6oz be strong enough? If not where else can I try to find the cloth? Any help will be appreciated.
10 oz is pretty heavy duty and is overkill on a layout boat deck in my mind. I would say 6 oz would be plenty..lighter and use less epoxy too.
10 oz is pretty heavy duty and is overkill on a layout boat deck in my mind. I would say 6 oz would be plenty..lighter and use less epoxy too.

Agreed. However, if you really want to go that heavy I'd go with 2 layers of 6 oz. It will be stronger and the 6oz glass will be easier to work. Had a buddy that just finished up a marshmonster and he used 6oz on the bottom and 3 oz on the top.

if you go with the 6 oz for whatever reason, try and see if you can get "S-cloth" in 6 oz, its a stronger cloth. also if you choose to use standard polyester resin. you can add a little grey resin tint to it, and then add a couple drops of catalized black resin/tint into the grey tint bucket, and only mix it one rotation in the bucket, then pour it on top of the cloth/boat this will give it a swirl/wave/camo pattern depending on how you use your sqeegee. surfboard guys have made it into a art form, and get top dollar for resin tint work.
Thanks for all of the replies. I think that I will just use 6oz cloth top and bottom. The plans are the Busick plans and seem to be pretty sturdy.