Speaking of Snakes....

I think it is a northern water snake. Amazing how they can do that.
Once had 6 big bluegills on my stringer down a really long water snake before I realized it was also now on the stringer. Cut the string and all 6 fish swam off-inside the snake.
Speaking of snakes.. One thing I do not miss about Texas is the snakes. Rattlesnakes. A friend of mine has a Ranch near Laredo where we would go annually to go Dove hunting and Quail hunting. His parents REQUIRED snake pants AND signing a waiver before anyone was allowed on the property.

One year we shot over 50 rattlesnakes in 3 days of hunting. The longest was about 51/2 feet long and we encountered it on the road with a full size jackrabbit in its mouth. The picture (which I don't have but will look for) shows the snake stretched over three men's shoulders with the mouth hanging at one mans knee and the rattle hanging over the third man's knee. Each fang was about 1.5 inches long and the head was as big as a slice of pizza.

They have killed so many rattlers over the years on this ranch that they have selected out the "rattlers". Now, none of the rattlers on this land rattle. They just coil. Silent Rattlesnakes. No kidding. Add to that.. The only wetland on the property is infested with Cottonmouths and holds at least two Gators. Noone has the balls to wade in for Teal Season.

Tom has lost at least two good dogs in the past to Rattlers. At least now they have a vaccine and he snake breaks all his dogs now. That has helped.

I love Wisconsin. Poisonous snakes just are not a problem.

I will try to find this picture...Its amazing.