Spring has sprung

Spring has sprung,snows are leaving early and just this morning my buddy called me to tell my the turkeys were gobbling
Well, Tim, yesterday half the state blew away in a gigantic dust storm. Then it began snowing. Thankfully that all melted but up at around 6,000 feet the snow is still there. We are supposed to get snow today, also. Would you please send some warmer temps down here?


There is a large mountain back there----some place!


Poor daffodils

Sorry Al but I laughed a little at that. Nope, no warm air being sent from here.
I'm sure we will get snow once or twice yet but for the next week it is 50s and 60s and a nice warm sun. Being from MN you understand how rare this is for march in this part of the country.


Look at those lows, none below freezing. :)

btw I do feel sorry for the daffodils.

It has been beautiful here. Yesterday I made a couple trips to the dump to get wood chips and I was in a t-shirt - windy, but nice in the 60s.
Just so you know Al they said this week that every state was abnormally warm this winter except......wait for it........you guessed it New Mexico!!!
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