Sreve.....the poults are showing up!

Dave Parks

Well-known member
At 5:30 this morning I looked out the kitchen window and saw a hen turkey fly down from a big oak by the pond, next came (one after the other) 12 poults! I thought something was weird......a hen with that many poults? Then a second hen flew down followed by 6 more polts for a total of 18 poults all the same size. They were soon joined by that bearded hen you saw when you were here. Judy has been seeing lots of hen with large numbers of poults on her way to work each morning.

BTW That crazy long beard is still hanging around my truck admiring himself in the chrame bumber. Yesterevening when we headed to town, he was still at it on the vans bumper and he had been joined by 4 hens (including the bearded hen) and one of the hens was admiring herself in the bumper right next to the Tom. I'll have to get a photo of them all together working over the bumpers.........CRAZAY!

This mornings "Lawn Gang" (photo not very good when taken through 2 pane window)
You know,I knew a Turkey hunter once that always had his complete gun chromed,and dressed like a chevy pick-up..Hmmmmmm..........
That crazy longbeard was back again a few minutes ago (4:25pm) and I got a couple of shots of him at my Van.......crazy bird!


He'll be a coyote dinner if he don't wise-up.

That was a nice looking sailboat you just bought....SWEET!


My gramps called and told me about the three hens that come and visit him in the morning with their 20-25 poults. Lots of them up there i've heard...wishes he could get rid of them :)
I'll be happy to spend some time at his place "controlling" his Turkeys.....

Weather this spring seems perfect for poult survival this year Dave......I like to see em up that size cause that means that they are mostly poast the point where they are vulnerable to Ravens, the small hawks, Skunks and Raccons and Snakes and the chill that comes from either rain or a heavy if they can just make it past the Coyotes, Lions, Bobcats, Redtails, they should make up for the poor hatch last Spring...

I bet there are a lot of poults around your Gramps place there in Evans Valley. He has always been in a good turkey location there. Right around his place is where I first saw turleys in E.V., Johney's place on the south side of the valley was another killer spot for turkeys, deer, bear, elk an lions. I know because Johney and I have shot all of the above on that 200 acres he was on.

You might think about taking a Rio on Gramps place and then you can get your Merriams in Montana when we move there. Are you too far north for pure-strain Oceolas? Hope you like your new job.

It must be a bumper crop year becasue I'm seeing poults every where now. Infact, as I write this (7pm Monday) Judy is watching two different hens on the front lawn that have 13 smaller poults with them and these are completely different hens and chicks than the ones in the earlier post.

I ran into crazy Tom down by the pond today and he had seven hens with him. They were all sitting under an oak tree just kicking back. One of the hens was the one with the beard and that funny light brown hen was there too. It will be neat to see if crazy Tom makes it through this winter. He may have a chance if he keeps roosting in the pines with these hens here next to the house.

What's the chance of getting you to haul that roll-top desk to Montana for me? Hahaha!
