Starting them young


Active member
This year we have been blessed with unusually warm Fall temps...

Blessed you say? Well...normally I would agree, but this year I was feeling a little different.

Oliver is three years old, and hardly weighs 30 pounds soaking wet. Eats like a champ but pretty much all skin and bones. Isn't cut out for the cold Winter days quite yet, but I will get him there.

Like I mentioned before.. Fall here has been calm and warm, perfect for a young boy and his Dad to spend a bit of time outdoors together... And so we did.

A Mushroom hunting adventure quickly turned into a dinner of sautéed rabbit...


A September goose hunt with family went better than we hoped for...


And this year was one of the most spectacular ever for mourning doves. No rain, mild temperatures, and many days of this..


As September passed and the leaves fell from the trees, we changed our focus to ducks and migrating geese.

He was sure excited about this bird...


And happy to go home after a long day in the marsh...


As the weather starts to turn for us, I know he will be spending more days with mom at home by the fire, and less time with grandpa and dad in the marsh. Even so, I feel blessed for the 2015 memories we have made thus far... And I encourage you all... Start them young!
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Jon that is awesome to see! My dad started me young and I learned most of what I know about hunting from him. You're son is always going to remember these days
Good morning, Jon~

What a great tale and photos! That first picture - with the rabbit - had me just beaming.

Congratulations to you all,

I loved everyone of those pictures. I can understand the big hug on that Canada with the collar. The hare photo was great, had me thinking about how tasty that guy probably was. Rabbit is probably my favorite. But, I must say, that photo of your boy sitting in the field with his "gun" and a pile of doves is priceless!

Chad A
Good stuff.
Your boy is hooked, you are teaching him well.
What state are you in?
I am in Oregon.

The dove picture is actually my favorite. He looks like he might be from a fill different time. Partway through the hunt he said "I'm so hot" and took off his shirt. Wouldn't let me put it back on... Lol. Grandpa made him his wooden gun. It goes everywhere with us.

The pic of him hugging the goose was hilarious too.. I asked him if I could take a picture with him and the goose and he said "sure" and posed just like that. Priceless.

I wasn't sure what he would do when I shot the rabbit cause it was our first together. As we approached it I asked him if he wanted to pick it up... Without hesitation he did. That's when I knew he was truly one of us. Just walked right up and grabbed it.. Carried it back to the rig as best he could. Ha

Thanks for your thoughts.
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