Steve @ North Bay Game Calls - Oklahoma Bird Down #2

Rob Robertson

Active member
Went this afternoon to where I saw a long beard strutting on Monday. Set up about 5pm just hoping to roost the ole boy. About 45 min in I hear a gobble. I yelp to him and he is on his way. It is a big ole Jake and two hens. They feed across the opening to about 300 yards away then turn and work back. Everytime I yelp the jake would gobble but he is not going to leave his prize hens. The little group has worked back toward me and are now about 80 yards out. About 7pm I hear another gobble to my left. The only place I cant see is to my left. My jake runs across to a high spot about 150 yards away. The new bird would gobble and the jake would gobble right after. I get on the call with some cuts and the new bird is going nuts. Then I hear it. Drumming. Drumming getting so close you can hear it and feel it. I get the gun up and ready. There he is. Full fan but his beard is jacked up. I know its a tom by looking at the fan. I put the speedbead on his neck and boom. Oklahoma Gobbler #2. His beard is jacked up. nice base but only about 20 hairs. All the rest is broke off. The longest is 9 3/4. The spurs, Well..............................1 1/4inch Limb Hanger spurs. Thicker and longer than Fridays bird. I have to find A new county to hunt in now. My Love County tags are full. Im thinking SE Oklahoma easterns.



Outstanding Rob!! Way to go and congratulations on another fine hunt. Love those pics too. So you're going after Easterns now? Good luck with them you turkey slayer. I'm glad that call is working out for you the way it has, that puts a great big smile on my face. Congrats again.

Well, you now have Thanksgiving and Christmas taken care of. Congratulations on a wonderful hunt. Rob, you remind me of a good friend of mine is hunting six or seven states this year for turkeys.
Gosh that sounds awesome season doesn't come in here for another 2 weeks they have been gobbling for what seems like forever. i cant wait got a good spot with about 14 toms i am going to hunt and another place thats a lot smaller that has 3 roosting withing 100 yards of eachother on the side of a hill just thinking about it raises the hair on the back on my neck
Rob, that is a good year right there. Nice second bird.

I forgot to respond to the habitat picture you posted, thanks. Very neat stuff. Again, great birds.

Congrats Rob. I'd love to try turkey hunting one day.

Silly question from someone that knows nothing about turkey hunting - how does a call like that work? What kind of sound does it make?
Congrats Rob. I'd love to try turkey hunting one day.

Silly question from someone that knows nothing about turkey hunting - how does a call like that work? What kind of sound does it make?

What you see in the photo is the bottom of the call. That goes in the palm of your hand. On top of this call is Glass that has been sanded ruff. You hold the striker (fancy pencil thing in the photo) tip to the ruff glass surface. I made a small circle on the glass and it sound just like a Turkey yelp. Rub the striker along the surface sounds like a turkey purr. A short stroke makes a turkey putt. I think they are the easiest and best sounding turkey calls made. The Northbay game call I have has a sweet higher pitch sound that has worked very well for me this season.
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