Steve Sutton

Lee Harker

Well-known member
Just saw this and it reminded me of what we both said about the majority'

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather
irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in
minds." --Samuel Adams
I was thinking of the one that you hear from time to time and that fits right in with what you and Ray were saying in his posts...

"Governments are run by those that show up"...with of course the "show up" equating to "voting".....

I know that here in Washington when they were doing the run up to the NO DOGS FOR BEARS AND LIONS bill that there were "lots" of dog people who publically stated that they weren't going to bother to vote because the "f'ing bunny huggers had already won"....well about your self fulfilling prophecies....

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.-- Aristotle

"The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men."

"Yes there are two paths you can by...but in the long run, there's still time to change the road yer on (I hope so)"

Stairway To Heaven, Robert Plant

Okay, just kiddin'...couldn't resist!
lets see......Adams, Jefferson, Plato, Aristotle and Plant.....yep.....he fits.....afterall whats a collection of quotes from famous people without a quote from a song??????

And who'd of thunk that it would have been you that would have posted from Plant.....

Yeah yean I know it was a joke.....

"If the electorate consists primarily of moral degenerates, shouldn't they have the right to elect one of thier ilk to represent them?"

This quote was attributed to a somewhat famous (locally) rural alaskan legislator during a legislative inquiry (ca 1990) as to why he was drunkenly pounding on the hotel door of his female intern at 3am during a legislative session.

Its a little hard to argue with knowing the general character of his particular constituency. He also was a member of the minority.
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
B. Clinton

"I have never had sexual relations with a woman"
P. Gery