Steve.......what Azalea?

Dave Parks

Well-known member
Fine on the license number and that over-fed-under-worked-lowlife over on Agency Lake ain't gonna be Party Leader again! I can stand the rejection of not being able to be successful in a grouse drawing, but not Bob teh trap shooter. I have not heard from him since last Fall when he failed us as a Party Leader :^).

Infact, if I don't hear from him pretty damn soon....he may just be left off our list of good guys! You know he may just have something going with Paula across the road from him at ALR. Since Bob's eyesight has started to fail him, he say's she is getting better looking all the time.

Fine on the Swallows, I have never seen them nest that late around here. And speaking of ocean creatures, when Rick Ketchams son got back from his 8 week tour of Europe in May, Rick got him a job with one of Rick's big saltwar accounts (tackle shop) 3 blocks from Rick's house in Huntington Beach. Rick's son has worked out so well that the owner told Rick that along with letting Jason off for the month of October (to hunt Montana with us) he is also giving Rick's son a FREE 10 day longrange trip out of San Diego the first of January! I think the guy really likes Jason's work. How much is a 10 daty longrange trip now.....$3,000 or so? A nice Xmas bonus anyway you look at it.

What Azalea are you talking about, in a photo? Let me know and I will dig it up this fall (if we are still here????)

up the quarry road, on the left side going up, that you had asked what it was when I was there in Turkey Season......actually there were several of them on that road but this was the largest one.....

I'd bet that it got scrapped off the side of the road when they graded it but if its still there I'd like to have it.....and any others that you find that look like they'll not live through the quarry operation......tell Judy I'd like to have "splits" off of her Columbines as well, especially the blue ones which are really tough to bget going from seeds but are pretty easily transplanted when they are established......

I'll pass on the Poison Oak but if youu find a nice little multiple trunk Madrone that isn't too big to get in the back of the truck I'd love to have one for the property here....not sure if Manzanita would do well here but I'd like to have one of those as well....they just have to be small enogh for me to get them back up here....

Neat to hear about the long range trip for Jason...I'm afraid I'd pass on a winter longrange trip....I have no idea what out there that time of the year but I know for sure that ieven the calms days are rougher than a cob and I'm not sure I could handle a long tirp on the ocean anymore....back when I used to go offshore "frequently" I used to think that my stomach could handle just about anything....the Halibut un we made with Eric up at Uculet showed me that haveing a strong offshore stomach, at least in my case, is an "acqured" thing and something that I no longer have......

Doubling the size of the pond would be neat....I'd bet that you could double it in size towards te wheat field leaving it no depper than waist deep so that wen the water drops off the flat in the summer you could have smartweed, panic grass, crabgrass, millet, etc. etc. that would then be flooded as the water rose when the fall rains started.........

I need to find my license which I haven't seen since the last fishing trip with Greg...I'll locate it tomorrow and get it to you....

When we tore down the yellow house here one of my requirements was to transplant a flowering shrub that in June with a westerly blowing fills the whole shipyard with an amazing aroma for four days. Glad I did that. People here tell me it's an[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica] azalea. If thats the case I would like another one if the color is right. I'm guessing it would be easier to export a plant out of the states than it would be to export a shotgun!

Steve you are being to hard on yourself regarding the sea conditions when you and Greg were here. Anytime a can of Pepsi goes flat in 15 minutes in the drink holder you can bet someone is visiting 'cause I would not be out in that crap if I was going for a [/font]
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]leisurely fish.:^)


right there at the entrance? I remember that bush there although I don't recall it being an Azalea....Around here Azalea's are done blooming in April, (early May at the latest), and I can't imagine they'd bloom much later up your they aren't "fragarant".....

The one that I'm talking about that I saw at Dave's was a "native". Way smaller, and not as showy as the cultivars that can get so big....the flowers are smaller and there won't be as many on the plant. Pale pink in color....not a plant you'd want unless you just wanted to keep the yard "natural".....

If you've got a picture of that plant send it to me, I'd bet we could figure out what it is and then get you one to go with it....

I wouldn't feel so bad about the "chumming" I did if Greg had hurled too.....hell he's a flatlander and should have been the first one to blow, not me....

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I'll try to get a picture in the next few days. With the "Heritage" plants we have there it seems a shame to clutter it up with common plants.

No one can compete with my daughters previous boyfriend when it comes to painting the inside of the boat and the ocean with stomach contents. Man that kid could make a mess!
Kudos to Greg for keeping his cool. If you remember none of us went down below for any length of time. Next time we'll keep sending him below for gear changes till he turns green. ;^)

says Azalea's ARE fragrant....funny I've never noticed that they are fragrant.....and we've got a bunch of em in the yard.....Western Azalea isn't native to either Washington or B.C. but if Dave can come up with a couple of plants I'll definatley bring one up the next time I head that way...heck if its illegal to bring em I'll just stick it in Gregg's bag....I'd bet a body cavity search looking for "assitional contraband" after they find that n his bag wouldget him well on his way to "green".....

Pacific Rhodedendron, the WILD counterpart of the popular nursery Rhodedendrons are native to your area...smaller leaves and flowers than cultivars they wouldn't "look" the same as the Rhoddies in most people yards...leathery ck deep green evergreen leaves and deep pink flowers...there are over 300 species of "rhodedendrons" in the World, of which a butt load of them have been planted over the 200 or so years of "immigrants bringing part of home with them" so figuring them out can be tough.....

Are you catching any fish this year...are the TUna up there this year?

I found this picture on the web. It's from some garden in DC.


That's the one. The fragrance is very short lived, maybe 4 days at the max. I can extend the blossoms for a while but the fragrance is not the same.

I think fishing has been good but you can not prove it by me. I moved the boat to our float this spring and it has not moved since. Redid all my gear last Sunday so I'm ready gear wise. Heck I even got a rod that looks like Greg's with the high speed retrieve. Shimano offered it's dealers a couple of rods and reels per at 30% below wholesale so I want to try them out. Today I hope to rebuild one of the raw water pumps and get out tomorrow am.

Lots of Tuna are around but the closest I have heard is 65 nm away so I'm not going. Good size this year but the prices are poor so this is the year for us to buy a bunch up and run a few hundred pounds to the cannery. I just have to secure some freezer space for a few weeks until I can run to the other side of the island.

Hey, I want you to know it has stopped raining for four days now. Holy Cow it has been wet this year. Some think we will see 200 inches this year. You seeing the same thing down your way?

Steve, are you talking about all those b;ue f;owering shrubs that were along the road up to the quarry?

Judy says fine on the columbine, but she says they start really easy from seed for her. Turkey season is a good time to dig and transplant Madrone since it is their FALL season. They shed their leaves during the summer and have new leaves during the winter. They must think they are from Australia or something since they are in their prime in December and look great.

As for Jason 10 day long range fishing trip, it's a great time to go weather-wise. The boat departs San Diego and heads south fishing the islands off the west coast of Baja and even south of Cabo San Lucas. Some of the best fishing is around Alijos Rocks 150 miles west of Baja. This is one of the best spots for 3-400 pound Yellowfins Tuna and Wahoo. Weather and water temps are about the same temps at 80 degrees and the only thing you have to worry about is getting dun burned!

The 16 day trips go all the way down to Clipperton Island (French) but the fishing is about the same, just more time to do it. Most all of the fishing is done below the Tropic of Cancer where the weather is nice and the seas are calm for the most part. October can be rough during the Chubasco season down there.

Ceanothus intergerramus, the Azalea is Rhododendron occidentale. Here's a picture of the flower.....


White flowers wth the yellow throat. There were several of these up on the road to the I said I'd bet they got run down when they scrapped the road but maybe a couple of the smaller ones up tight to the offside of the ditch made it through.....

I'm going to need a bigger truck the next time I come. In addition to the Azalea's and the Madrone and the Columbines, you had a world of Cluster Lilly's, Blue Camas, Leichlin's Camas, some Ninebark, Red Osier Dogwood and at least one Pacific Dogwood, ....Debby and I have been working on a wildflower garden since we moved here and all of those would make neat additions, (plus I wouldn't have to worry the feds coming to get me as I pull away with a truck load of plants I wasn't supposed to dig up)...

Eric, I can't find an Azalea that is "native" to B.C. Labrador Tea is about as close as I can find, (it has smaller white flowers), tht would occur naturally in your area....the flower you posted looks like one of the "flame" azaleas that are so common on "heath balds" in the Blueridge....gorgeous plant for sure, and definately worth the effort to save it, but I dont' think its native.

I'm hearing 30 miles off the coast here for Albacore this year and they should move in closer as the summer progresses....if they move in close and we can put (6) guys together so that we can have the entire boat to our own group then Greg, Louie, and I, (plus three others), are going to head out and give it a try.

200 inches of rain this year....I guess the "drought" and potential water rationing of last year is over..

With all the plants George Fraser introduced to this area and all his hybrids I don't think native applies. I'm just thinking like a male, if it's easy on the eye and smells good then I'm all for keeping it around. :^) One of the plants is a hybrid John Blair and the other two heritage plants are a bit unknown but " really old and part of his garden" so they shall remain. Much like the Japanese "maple" growing into my boat shed.

That Azalea of Dave's would fit the bill as being pleasing to the eye.

Good luck on the tuna. Try to put Greg in a position that tests his stomach with out the full cavity search. Even the thought of that gives me the willies, but no education should be complete without the experience that only land can provide.

We had a couple of Tofiesians over for supper and I asked about the water problem. If this rainless spell lasts for a few weeks more then we may be able to sell them some water yet. Hehehe. I love it when they are forced to admit they have over built for their infrastructure.

Dave, I'm still jealous beyond words by your setup there. I keep hoping that "Some Summer Day" I can visit your particular slice of Heaven but I may just have to set my sights on Montana for visit. Heck I have cousins in both places so either one would work for me!

The blue ones are the wild lilac and we have them all over the property, they are about the first to bloom each Spring and they are one of my favorites. Judy says you can have all the starts and cuttings you want. When Johnny finished his log home he and his wife did half their landscaping from the stuff that we have here. Judy has a pretty good collection of old world roses and seem to take turns flowing all Spring and Summer.

No problem Eric, I can have Steve bring up extras for you too. And you know you are always welcome either here or when we get a place in Montana. I'll be heading for Montana the last week of September to look at property.

BTW Steve, I picked up this nice English game bag yesterday for our "driven grouse hunt" next month. I thought it would only be fitting and proper for upland bird shooting with one of my doubles.

It reminds me of my old Falconry bag I had 50 years ago. It's amazing the stuff you find on eBay.
