still some ducks around here

greg setter

Well-known member
Nice shots,warming back up here in the north country as well. blackflies will be out this week. Lakes are running mid summer levels ,hopefully we start getting some rain. Champlain must be running low as well, I haven't been down to see. What a difference a year makes, this time last year Champlain was running at new record flood stages.
my swamp is running high right now,woodies are in their boxes and my resident Geese are paired up and on the nest.
Hi Greg

Nice pics, looks like a nice spring day in the salt meadow.
You had a better day then me, I spent the day digging holes for the dogs chain link fence we are putting in.
Would have rather been in a boat watching ducks. LOL.
Nice shots,warming back up here in the north country as well. blackflies will be out this week. Lakes are running mid summer levels ,hopefully we start getting some rain. Champlain must be running low as well, I haven't been down to see. What a difference a year makes, this time last year Champlain was running at new record flood stages.
my swamp is running high right now,woodies are in their boxes and my resident Geese are paired up and on the nest.

Kevin, Champlain was 96.27' as of this morning, really low for this time of year.
Wow! Thanks Hank, 96.27 is very low for Mid April. It is very dry over here,mid 80's today with 10 to 15 mph we will have brush fires today if we don't get some rain. Upper Saranac is also at mid summer levels ,the spillway at the dam is running at 6" should be 12 to 14 right now.
Damn, thats a pile of teal!

Even the coots have finally left here for points north.
I did see a pair of resident Canada geese with around 6 goslings last week, I imagine the first batch of woodies have already hatched here too.