Sunfish conversion

Definitely the nicest sunfish conversion I've seen. Kind of defeats the purpose of starting with a junk sunfish hull, but WOW!

Very impressive!
Too bad your buddy Dale has no talent or it might have turned out better.

That is one GORGEOUS conversion. You would never be able to tell it was a sunfish at one time.

Mark W
Who Fixed My pictures & thanks. My first post just had links to the pictures............

You can see at the bottom of you last picture. It says Chuck J edited you post.
Paging Leonard. Leonard I am hoping you are still around. I have been doing some research regarding converting Sunfish to duckboats. Colin and some others on the board here got me interested in these things. I happened to find some locally for my son and I to build. I was hoping to discus the build with your friend. Not sure if that is possible. Any chance you would be willing to shoot me an email or PM with some contact information? With your friend's permission of course.


That is a beautiful job on his conversion and is exactly what I am looking to do.

I am working on two conversions like this right now. I posted the tear down of hull 1. My son and I plan to tear down hull 2 tomorrow. After both boats are gutted, we will measure and cut about 2 feet off of the stern area of the Sunfish to relocate the transom. With the transom set in place, we can begin making measurements and patterns for the knees and ribs of the boat.

Our build time is prolonged as we are looking to put them in use for duck season 2013-2014. That may take longer than you are hoping, but feel free to follow along with our project to get any ideas, contribute ideas, or just laugh at our mistakes along the way.