Suppose one of your best honey holes had

The questions you ask want someone to assume conditions that lack clarity. I would have to guess the remote location is a place anyone has access to if they want to get there. The reason you are upset over this is because you know about it. There are plenty of remote places were this can happen, you just do not know about it. If the lawless know you are there and you do not see anyone else, then the result of taking action could result in retaliation against you or your vehicle from the lawless and there friends. If The CO you contact about the problem takes action, then the lawless may assume that you are the one responsible for the telling on them. Remember that you are in a remote location and not all the events in this location would be seen by others that would work in your favor. If you take action against the lawless, then you may need to look for another hunting spot. After all they are lawless! Draining a water hole could turn you into an outlaw by the lawless reporting you!

They guy with the need for a boot warmer should try pouring coffee in the boots before running it through a bladder filter.

Boy, I guess I am in the minority here. Personally, I would approach all other avenues first. And I certainly agree that two wrongs don't make a right. Draining it would for sure be against the law, but does that mean that it for sure is wrong. I bet everybody on here broke the speed limit in the last month. Heck the feds drain wetlands all the time to promote vegetation growth and then refill, and I'm not saying that this would be a biological benefit. I'm merely saying that this option could be left open and sometimes there is nothing that law enforcement can or will do. Keeping the local CO on your side would definetly be a big help, maybee THEY would drain it for biological reasons? Heck you don't know till you ask. Possibly killing two ducks with one 2 3/4" #4.