TaTonka " Tonka Beans"

Randy Duda

Active member
Sitting here alone but not alone.. 4 others sit here with me as my eyes well up with tears. Maggie, Bear, Holly and now Tonak. We took our last ride several weeks ago. Its been a rough silence in the house. My first lab I was as anxious as she was - Bear taught me more then I taught him and despite my best efforts he turned into a hell of a Duck hunter! Holly was a gift, she left me way too soon, Cancer knows no sympathy. Tonka was a calculated risk. She was found by accident in a time of need, pulled into a life of average when she could have been a show dog or gone to a family of 4 children.. she ended up terrorizing 2 of us. Educated on Richard Wholters - Family dog - I was going to train me a Labrador!! looking back - I was out gunned from day one! We all glam our dogs, as we should, Tonka was with out a doubt the smartest Lab I have ever known and by far lived with - Show her what you wanted and she lived to make it happen. From sniffing out Pheasant, to blind retrieves, or all out gloves off Goose wrestling she gave 110% full throttle! My heart breaks but I know it was time 14 years is a long time to a Labrador but a blink of our eye - My Father always said the sin of a dog is not living as long as we do... I disagree, look how wonderful that next dog may be... I know my 4 clowns will be laughing at the mistakes I make as I train the next one to be better!! Rest quite my girl.....