Christopher T

Active member
Can anyone forward some information about the construction of a 1990 14' TDB classic? Is the boat all fiberglass with the exception of the transom?
Quaildog,you might want to put your real name in your profile or nobody will answer,just a fyi,read erics sticky Brian Rippelmeyer

I have a 1991 tdb14. The hull is all glass. Transom is glass over wood. I think there is some wood in the storage compartment in the bow, I know the hatch cover is plywood. The grassing rails on the older boats are wood as well, mine finally gave it up this year. As maintenance free as you can ask for. Only my grassing rails show any sign of deteriation.

Gene, ty for the reply. I just bought the boat and there are some cracks inside where the floor of the boat meets the rear floatation compartments.I was concerned that the deck or floor might have glass over wood and the repairs would be costly, but if the boat is all glass, it should be a breeze.Ty again
There is floatation foam under the floor. It will soak up water!! I would try to insure that the foam is dry and then get it sealed up. Remember, not that it really matters, these boats are made with polyester resin and not epoxy. You can repair with epoxy or polyester resin. You can not repair and epoxy based fiberglass with polyester.

Good luck with the repairs!

The boat is a two piece hand layed fiberglass boat.
There is some kevlar reinforced strips in the bow.
The ribs and stringers are wood glassed over.
The floor that you stand on is wood glassed over.
The bulkheads are wood glassed over
The transom is wood glassed over
The motor board is wood that is thru bolted throught the transom.
On some of the boats the foam in between the rips and stringes gets water logs, not the end of the world but does need to be fixed. You will know when that happens as the bottom of the boat will oil can when underway.
I was told back in 93 that they were self righting leval flotation.

Tell that to my friends buddy that flip one on a snotty day and was recovered sitting on the bottom of the floating boat.

The blind frame is made of 3/4" tubing not 1"
The grass rail were made with white oak
wood in the deck? sounds like trouble!!! How's the repair holding up mike? did you have a problem with the wood or foam being water logged? any suggestions for drying it out? did you cut away any of the existing glass to repair or just throw new glass and epoxy over the damaged area?
repair held up great,dried the area,scuffed it up,cleaned it with acetone and some glass and resin we were done as far as the boat getting waterlogged i dont think there was any problems,I waited to do the repair in the spring it had plenty of time to dry out