Thank you for your input and ideas!

Dave Cular

New member
Thank you all very much for your input so far! It has been very helpful and is starting to point me in the direction I want to be. I realize one boat can't do it all, but for now I'm just trying to get a mental picture of what my boat should be. I'm starting out small, as this will be my first venture on my own, so one boat is all I can do right now. But once I see how that takes off I will be looking into larger, smaller, and an otherwise broader range of boats. For now I'm just trying to get off the ground. My boats will be semi-custom and made to order, so that will allow me the flexibility to change minor things as the customer requests. My ultimate goal is to produce a boat that is in fact an original and is in no way a copy of someone else's design, which is why I have reached out to all of you to gather as many independent ideas as possible! This will definitely be a long, up hill struggle, but hopefully someday I will be able to supply a high quality product that will meet or exceed the rugged demands of most duck hunters and fall within the ranks of some of you here on! Thank you again everyone for all of your input!

Dave Cular
Beaver Dam Boats