Thanks to all who responded to The Woodrow saga solved.

wis boz

Well-known member
We're in the middle of a messy snow/sleet/wind storm and have been without power so have been remiss in responding to all that posted on this. Will try to get some pictures posted. Many of you who have introduced your children to the joys of hunting will reap great rewards in later years as you see I have with my son and he with his son. Nothing greater and let's see more idea's like Dave Sikorski with Eric and Steve's help sprout in this coming season.
wis boz
Many of you who have introduced your children to the joys of hunting will reap great rewards in later years as you see I have with my son and he with his son

That now to me is one of the biggest sources of joy I get from hunting. Thank you for sharing that as it brings a grin to my face as I think of the possibilites with my sons.

My middle son is now so fired up about duck hunting he gets to the mailbox first looking for my duck hunting magazines and hunting catalogs. He goes to my library as well and pulls old issues of Wildfowl and DU. Just the other night I gave them to him (15+ years worth of both complete). Once we figure out how he is going to store them in his room I'll have empty shelves.

Good stuff Boz, good stuff.