The Art In Making Decoys-Keith Mueller --a special book and a special offer.....

Steve Sutton

Well-known member

A month or so ago the site welcomed the arrival of Keith Mueller and much to our benefit he has been a prolific poster of everything from advise on painting to locations to see Toucans in Costa Rica, wooden boats to rocker head decoys, coffee to chocolate, and seemingly everythig in between. It's rare, in my opinion, to find someone whose interests are so far flung as Keith's are and its refreshing to me to know that he enjoys "watching" as much as he does "hunting" because it provides that added dimension that is so obvious, that "did you see that?", when he posts a photo of an Eider trying to swallow a crab that from all appearances would be impossible, or a bird diving in crashing wave.

I always knew that Keith "knew" waterfowl but I never knew that he paid so much attention to those things that so many hunters fail to see while afield and I think that we all benefit from his sharing that "aw shucks" enjoyment with us, both in person and in his most recent book; THE ART IN MAKING DECOYS.

It wasn't long after he started posting that I started talking with him about his book. In the past I have always recommended Grayson Chesser's "MAKING DECOYS THE CENTURY OLD WAY" as "the best" decoy book, not because I think that Grayson is "the best" decoy carver, (although I do believe he is very good), but because his book took the time to explain where, and from who, his motivation was derived, why he carved, and then included not only the "help" necessary to carve and paint but also "stories" about using the decoy. To me that made his book far more "complete" than any of the other, "how to" books....

After seeing Keith's book I've changed my mind about which decoy book I would recommend if someone asked "what book should I get if I was going to carve?" and would further state the if I was only going to own one book that was Waterfowl related it would be The Art In Making Decoys....

"ONE" book to do it all is a pretty bold statement and I definately wouldn't want to own "just one" but if I was, or if I was looking for "the next purchase", it would be this book because it has "something for everyone"'s why:

At almost 500 pages, in a larger than normal format, (approx 10" x 13"), printed on heavy paper, printed by a First Class Printer so the photographs are of the "best" quaity, loaded with photographs ranging from birds to boats to decoys, (both current and antique), its makes a Waterfolwing Coffee Table book that anyone could appreciate and spend hours with.

As a decoy book Keith can speak to everyone from the newest beginner to the person working on the completion of a piece of work being entered in any competition. He talks structure, and patterns, and paint, and technique, all the while holding your attention with photographs of not only his own, incredible work but also photographs of the live birds that he is carving, of decoys that he has carved, and stories of the carvers that inspired him to reach the level that he has achieved.....

Simply put this "is not" a book on how to carve decoys, rather its a book on "why" people carve decoys, and "why" they strive to move that one additional step forward with each new start and I think that is what makes it stand out from all of the other entries in that market...

Keith posted a picture recently of a "Locked Cocked and Ready to Rock" Great Blue Heron, (which of course I can't find right now), and I saved that picture because I thought it would make a great decoy. My initial thought would have been to make that decoy as a silohuette. After receiving Keith's book when I look at that picture my mind starts thinking not "how simple" but "what can I do to make it something more than I've ever done before"? I do get the chance to chuckle a little since in the picture the bird has a single secondary covert feather twisted out of place and while I'm thinking about "relieving" a wing or adding the striated neck feathers my eye keeps going to that twisted feather, "knowing" that if Keith was doing that same bird that that feather would be out of place on his...from what little I know about Keith I think that he would hope that his book makes everyone take that "next step" whether it be in carving or just looking....

O.K. the title mentions an "offer" so lets get to that......Keith has graciously offered on the site to "remarque" any book purchased at no additional cost. He has offered the site the opportunity to benefit from any book sold through the site by donating a portion of the purchase price to the site to help support it. The purchaser doesn't get a discount but if you were planning on buying the book, and you should, then you will be supporting the site without having to make a direct donation.

So how do you get it, (and aren't you happy that I'm finally getting to the point)?

The book is available in two editions; the Workbook Edition and the Collectors Edition. Both books are hardcover, the workbook has a printed cover and jacket, (photo above), and the collectors has a leather type cover and matching sleeve with gold foil trim and logo. The Collectors Edition is signed and numbered and is limited to 500 copies. Copies of this edition still available. You can purchase the book by calling the publisher Jimmy Hunt at: 631 928 5920 in NY to make payment and shipping arrangements, (make sure you tell him you are a member of As stated above, and by Keith on the site, if anyone from the forum purchases a copy and would like it inscribed, and pencil remarqued, let Jimmy know "waterfowl species" you want for the remarque and Keith will mail it from his studio.

The price of the Workbook is $99.00 and the Collectors Edition is $175.00.

Not cheap, for sure, but I do believe well worth the price based on the contents....



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First Keith has asked me to make sure that I tell anyone that plans on buying a book at Westlake that you are associated with this site as he is extending the percentage of sale of the book as a contribution to the site at that event.....THANKS for that Keith....

Second ALL photgraphy in the book is of the most impressive things to me about this book is the not just the total number of pictures in the book but the quality of the photographs and the printing......this is not a "cheap" book and the number and size of the pictures, and the printing quality, reflects that.....


Much like Keith's previous book "Waterfowl Concepts", it's difficult to describe this book in a few words or even a few paragraphs. It's loaded with so much information.

For those that are interested in carving there are 10 or eleven carving demo's with detailed step-by-step photos and instructions.

Likewise for painting there are eleven painting demo's that take you from simple blending techniques to a detailed description on painting a hen mallard (71 steps). Many, if not all, of the painting/blending/combing techniques were developed by Keith specifically for this form of artwork. I know of no other book (or any other media for that matter) that describes in such detail the oil painting techniques that he shares.

I counted a total of 64 patterns for ducks, geese, shorebirds, and many others. Many patterns have multiple head positions. For example the brant pattern has 12 different head positions.

While the book is awesome in it's own right, even more amazing is the fact that Keith carved all of the decoys that he shows, drew all the patterns, took all the photos, layed out all the pages, did all the writing, and made frequent trips to the printer to make sure everything was up to his high standards. By his own admission, even at 500 pages he had to delete a lot of info that he wanted to share.

Whether you are a carver or simply enjoy looking at fabulous decoy art and reading about decoy history, hunting, and inspiration, you will not regret getting this book. There will never be another like it.
Keith it is very generous of you to help out the site in this way. I tell everyone the same thing, Keith is the Crowell and Wheeler of our times. I was honored to write the forward for this book. This book was rewritten 3 times before Keith was satisfied with it. He is a true artist in any medium and you will enjoy this book if you are a carver, bird watcher or hunter. I hope you purchase it and enjoy every page of it the way that I have. Hank
I'm looking forward to Wesltake just so I can pick up my copy and meet Keith.

My only decisions are whether I get a workbook edition or a collectors edition and what to have done for my remarque.
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By his own admission, even at 500 pages he had to delete a lot of info that he wanted to share.

So we can expect a volume 2 then? Thats a request Keith, if you're holding out on us we need to know.

Can't wait to get mine...any day now.

As stated above, and by Keith on the site, if anyone from the forum purchases a copy and would like it inscribed, and pencil remarqued, let Jimmy know "waterfowl species" you want for the remarque and Keith will mail it from his studio.

Ah yes, the personal touch is extra nice...


However, A COMPLAINT ;) My wife (a book connoisseur of sorts) made the comment that there are no margins and the font is too small. To which I retorted that this book it FULL of information!!! It's like 1000 pages packed into 500. It is absolutely incredible how much is in there. Worth every penny!

Thanks so much Keith!

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Thanks Chuck, glad you are enjoying it! Your wife is correct, the font is small..... I had to fit all the info into those spaces between the images, that was interesting at times. To accommodate larger font, the images size would have to have been reduced....and when I reviewed the changes, it lost the "look" that I was going for. And you are correct, there is allot of information, and if I made the font larger, the size of the book would have become much larger, heavier and un-proportionately more expensive to produce. As far as the margins, I thought about that as well, but I prefer image bleed instead of standard margins. I like to do things differently than the standard (which always gets me in trouble :) ). I designed this book more artistically rather than following standard publishing protocol (just ask my printer.....I drove him nuts) with my production. He did comment on the smaller font (many times) but I wanted the book to have that certain look, which included the bleed and small font. Tell your wife Thank You for her critique, I appreciate that!!

Enjoy the book!!


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Thank you Steve for that wonderful review. I appreciate your very kind and generous words and for the opportunity to promote my book and to help out the DHBP at the same time. Thank you again!

Thank you John, another wonderful we will see if all that info is in your head when I get up to the UP in June!!! Looking forward to it!! See you soon!

Hank, I also want to THank you for your kind words, both here and in your Forward in my book. I said this before, I couldn't find anyone better to write it than you!

John, I am looking forward to meeting you as well....I will have both editions with me. As far a species for your Remarque, how about a g w teal, I have only done a few of those for people.

See you in a week!

Thanks Steve, I have three other volumes planned. As John mentioned, I removed quite a bit form this book when I started noticing how big it was getting. Book 2 is in the works....I promise, I am not holding out....just looking ahead at another monumental task, but it should go along much smoother!!

Look for your book on Monday!

Thank you again,

In all the years I've been carving, this is the finest all-around decoy book I've seen. I have most all decoy books in my library and this one surpasses them all. The detail is incredible! And the design concepts alone are worth the purchase. Well worth the cost, the instruction and inspiration is outstanding. Kudos to Keith and Jim hunt for putting this together. Keith, someday I hope to meet over a cup of coffee and piece of pie, or, better yet, gunning over a rig of eider decoys...

Other than my great grandad's original 1934 copy of Joel Barber's Wildfowl Decoys, I consider this book one of the tops in my collection. As a matter of fact, I packed it tonight to take on our vacation to Florida...

Great job, good carving and God Bless!

You have one of the Joel Barber Derrydale Press (what 55 copies) first edition, first printings? Does it still have the slipcase? I've seen one photo with the slipcase. Post up some photos of the book (and slipcase), if you would, when you get back from Florida.

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That's the one I have. It's a great book. Boy, don't you wish you could collect the way Mr. Barber did. What great stories. I like the picture of him in the front of the book with the cigarette in one hand. I have a copy of his poetry book "Long Shore", one of the original ones - Signed, No 48 of 750. He was a talent.

I've got a paperback version of Mr. Barbers book published in 1954. I picked it up at a garage sale last year for 50 cents. I know its not worth a lot of money, but it is surely worth more than 50 cents.

Got my book yesterday Keith...Wow! I have a lot of reading to do! Great book, I'm sure I will be using it as a reference tool quite a bit.

Thank you sir,
Hitch - Cool deal. Great book. It's a real classic. I once told Jim Schmiedlin he reminds me of the guy Barber describes as the "Battery Gunner". As I read that chapter, it sounded like Barber was describing Jim. I think he should have lived during that period as traditional as he is.

I've often thought as a retirement project, I would carve every decoy in Barber's book in which he placed a pattern in it. Maybe someday...

Hope you and your family are well. God bless! Pat
Just picked this book up today, well worth the wait. Its huge!!! Alot of pictures, and I really liked the section with tips and photos for certain aspects of carving, likes eyes and such.

Think I'll have to carve some brant for next years season. Also very neat to be turning the pages and notice a familiar name, Ian Feir moved out west to BC, had him out for a hunt in our area last year, we get into cacklers and lessers and thats what he was after, a great hunt too.