The Badger came back so did I...


Well-known member
Sorry no picture this time. It was in the early evening and at the time I was one day out of the hospital. Couldn't more fast enough... Any way this is the story. He or she was sneaking along some ferns near a small woods. The moment I opened a side door into the woods it went.. Seeing a Badger is a big event. I have only seen one or two outside a zoo in my life time. Evidence is that a Badger has been around for at least three or four years maybe longer.

My wife Carol was more concerned then me , reason being , we have two youngsters down the road ( five and seven) If the expression "No Fear" means any thing, it apply's. A mental picture of a six year old pushing a stick down a Badger hole. I see a educational experience not soon forgotten. Carol has other mental pictures.

Well Carol called the Local DNR to see if it could be live trapped. A young man came out (anyone under sixty) Well I had to ask Carol afterwards, he was at least six foot seven. (Pain pills you know) He did a good job of explaining things about the Badger to Carol.

First they don't live trap. They have a tendency to tear every trap to shreds. Those Badgers are tough even the fiberglass mascot down at UW at Madsion It took six or seven people to put the sweater on that one. Just imagine if it was alive. They don't eliminate them unless they caused harm to people or animals. He went on to explain all the positive things about them. So now I have a secret neighbor whose favorite foods are ground squirrels and turtle eggs.

I want to thank every one for their thoughts prayers and well wishes. I haven't spent much time on the computer got to keep one leg elevated and the way my computer is arranged that doesn't work. Every day is a forward movement. One of the things I missed was while visiting my surgeon this week was asking him where he wanted to put those two semi loads of chickens out in the parking lot..... well maybe next time....
Glad to hear you are on the mend. And thanks for the badger update. I have seen a few in SD and I think they are interesting critters.
Great story and it is good to have you back on the mend. One day at a time and by duck season, you will be feeling like a teenager!
Glad to see you back pete you old codger, now dont over do it and take it easy, ( The Lord as answerd our prayers ). Watch out for those Badgers, they dont take prisoners.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond
Good to see you back--hang in there! Several weeks ago my son and I saw a badger and a young one in a hole just outside his back door at his cabin. We tried several methods of moving him out of there because of the dog. Finally, an old woodsman up there, suggested sticking ammonia on a rag in the burrow. It worked and a new hole was made several blocks away in the woods. If, backed up by a dog, they will tear a dog to pieces. It is against the law to kill them in Wisconsin. Their only foe is man so they abound. Don't give nurse Carol a bad time and do what she saysl--okay?
Jim and Yvonne
