The fat lady is about to sing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Huntindave McCann

Well-known member
Tomorrow December 3rd is the last day for duck hunting near my home. I did what any respectable duck hunter would do and took the day off. Had a real slow start to the morning which fit in perfectly with the really slow season I have been having. There was a good North wind blowing I hoped for a few new ducks to ride it in. About mid morning a lone Bluewing Teal swung into the decoys. One shot and he was staying for supper.

About lunch time I noticed a nice size flock of Mallards winging my way. They circled once, they circled twice, they circled again and again and again, each time dropping lower on each swing. I never called once and kept hoping they didn't see something they didn't like. Finally they swung around with their wings cupped and the landing gear down. I picked out a drake and pulled the trigger. Bang,,,,,,,,,,,,,, one drake headed for the water's surface. Picked out a second drake and he joined the first one with a nice one shot kill. Dang I just love it when a plan comes together!




I'll be out in the morning again for our final day of this season. Hard to believe that I am still seeing Bluewings this late in our season. Also, check out the one Mallard drake which is just now beginning to get his proper green head coloring.
Nice hunt Dave! To bad he fat lady is moving to Michigan next. Our season closes this Sunday. I can only hope to see some new birds here before then...I'd love a duck dinner.
Congrats on a good hunt- I think one of my most enjoyable hunts ever was one where a flight of mallards circled about 5 times before cupping. Taking one with the feet down is sweet success. And to get a second...

Nice going Dave, good to see a yellow dog with a duck in his mouth. Good luck tommorrow, I get to go to work.
I have hunted most of the season here in SW michigan and have yet to find many ducks. I think the season will be over before the flight birds get here or I am just not finding them. My 10 yr old son has yet to pull the trigger. Frustrating!!!!
Glad you had a great day Dave.

you STILL have BWT hanging out that far north. BWT should be sipping fruity drinks south of the border not sitting on the northern border. If the BWT have not bolted by now the rest of them are more than happy to stay also.
When's the last time you shot a BWT in December?
I saw a couple of woodies last week on Pool 8, though I have seen a few of them stay around this late before.
I think there will be quite a few hunters out this weekend for the closing of the southern WI season. Hope there's some birds finally.
Another 7 weeks to go here but the Fat Lady put an end to the boating season with single digits this AM. From here on out it's all fields and streams.
Nice work. I'm hoping to get out this weekend for the final on-core myself. I had a small flock of woodies buzz me last weekend, wasn't expecting to see them.
Thanks everyone, I did have an enjoyable day. I guess it is those good days which keep us all coming back each season.

When's the last time you shot a BWT in December?
The last time??? heck I think this is the first time!

[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]A good duck hunter knows when to keep quiet.[/font]
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica] Yep, I figured the only thing my calling might do was to give them a reason to leave, Ha!!

Good hunt Dave. Not many of those around this year are there?
I have to agree with that. I didn't get out as much as most years so it was nice to have a good day on an uncrowded marsh.

The one thing I notice time and time again in your pictures is you always have your boat very well concealed. I bet that plays into your success. Are you going to travel at all to get some more hunting in or is it ice fishing time?


Thanks for the compliment on hiding my boat. I believe this is a factor that every hunter can control. Not everyone can play a musical instrument well. Sure most of us can toot on a duck call but few of us can really "talk duck". But there is no reason why every one out there, can't hide their boat well if they put a little thought and effort into it.

Unfortunately, travel plans for extended hunting opportunities is not in the cards for this year. It hit a low of 7 degrees overnight and the highs this coming week are not predicted to be above freezing. Guess that will usher in the ice fishing as long as we don't have a lot of wind to keep the waters open. Even then most of the smaller bodies of water will skin over and begin to make safe ice.

It has been an unusually warms fall around here. Most years I am breaking ice at the ramps and pushing ice jams open to get up and down the rivers to my hunting spots. Only two times this year did I see any ice at all and both times it was just a really thin and spotty layer of skin ice.
Hey Dave, that was fun to read. Thanks.

I hope to have my boat done soon. I have been delayed in the final construction by events that are out of my control. I hope to get back at it soon. Our season goes to the end of Jan. out here. Reading about outings such as yours helps me live through the season, even if I have not been out yet.
