The most beautiful blonde I have ever seen

Hank Fish

Active member
I saw her for the first time on Wednesday morning and knew I had to have her (no matter what my wife said) Well on the last day of the VT duck season she came home.....but not with me.

My hunting partner was the lucky guy, and now has to face his wife about the taxidermy bill.



What a beautiful hen, Hank. Glad your partner got it. Definitely lacking the color gene and for the life of me I can't think of the correct name given to this phenomenon. Thanks for posting the two pictures.
Al -
I think the term is leucistic, but I have never seen a leucistic hen like that. Her clean belly and "ring" around her neck, and rump are different than anything I have ever seen. Cool bird.
Thanks for that term, Hank. You are correct. Maybe that is a good old hybrid of a mallard/domestic---
Cool bird. Congrats to your friend. I saw one a few times last year hanging around a park area. Never did see it while hunting or again at all this year.
This was my "blonde" from a few years ago, quite a bit different from Jason's above


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just mounted one up for a client and she is a beutiful duck my wife really liked how she looks your freind will not have any problems with his with on this bird.