The perfect limit???

fred slyfield

Well-known member
After much discussion in the boat this winter, (and trust me we had lots of time to talk with how tough the season was at times.) We decided this was the perfect limit when targeting divers.

My last diver of the season was a great looking drake Redhead that came screaming down the lines right to left, I got lucky and folded him on the first shot, a perfect way to end the season.

Thanks guys, We do have the weekend left, I'm going to hit it one more time tomorrow ,,, but for mallards

Michael did the MO for the heads arrive yet?
Nice job. You are killing Fred. What's up with your dog? To proud to look at camera?
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Perfect puddler limit would be much more subjective. Personally, I would think some nicely plumed pintails would have to be a part of it.

That being said, a perfect limit beauty wise or experience wise? Think of that limit of ducks you once shot over Bella at your honey hole Brandon. That had to be close to perfect for the two of you at that time.
Ask this question a million times and you'll get close to that many answers. Any way you look at it that is one pretty pile of ducks. Congrats on a great hunt!
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Thanks guys ,

Brad , That new dog of mine is the most intense retriever I have ever owned, she knows there are no birds to be seen looking at the camera, she is always on the hunt for the next bird!!