Dave Parks
Well-known member
If this is any indication of the so-called "Clobal Warming"...then I want to see more of it! We have not had snowpacks like these since 1998. And I doubt if Sutton has ever seen snow packs as deep as this winters in the Washington Cascades. Personally I have not seen the snow pack up on Mount Raineir as deep as they currently are since 1974 when I crossed over Raineir Pass in July and they still had 20 foot of snow on theide of the road.
I doubt too many people in the upper Mid-West can remember as cold a winter as they's had this year.
When Bob Houk in the Klamath Basin's "Banana Belt" had to buy a snow blower for teh first time in his life, ya know he had some snow. I hear he had to dig a tunnel in teh snow just to get to his outhouse and that was before his power went out and his well froze solid. He's going to smell like a bear coming out of hibernation this Spring! The snow pack has been so bad in Klamath Falls that roofs of building have been caving in. Good thing Bob lives in a Tipi where the snow does not stick.
Yup, if this is Global Warming, I want more of it!