They can say what ever they want, but...........

Dave Parks

Well-known member
If this is any indication of the so-called "Clobal Warming"...then I want to see more of it! We have not had snowpacks like these since 1998. And I doubt if Sutton has ever seen snow packs as deep as this winters in the Washington Cascades. Personally I have not seen the snow pack up on Mount Raineir as deep as they currently are since 1974 when I crossed over Raineir Pass in July and they still had 20 foot of snow on theide of the road.

I doubt too many people in the upper Mid-West can remember as cold a winter as they's had this year.

When Bob Houk in the Klamath Basin's "Banana Belt" had to buy a snow blower for teh first time in his life, ya know he had some snow. I hear he had to dig a tunnel in teh snow just to get to his outhouse and that was before his power went out and his well froze solid. He's going to smell like a bear coming out of hibernation this Spring! The snow pack has been so bad in Klamath Falls that roofs of building have been caving in. Good thing Bob lives in a Tipi where the snow does not stick.

Yup, if this is Global Warming, I want more of it!

Dave driving through there Friday on the way to Seattle, i will make sure to deliver a little of your Oregon snow to Steve (yellow of course).
jeeze Dave when i did my little snow dance for yas this year i didnt mean to send that much ,lol ,yup ,them clouds causing alot of trouble when they come down south from cold country canada alot of the folks out west have been in blizzards and minus 40 or -50`s C .us on the east and west coasts get alittle of everything last monday we got in 6 hours 12 inchs of snow by the time it was done id say 18 inches.then last nite a little rain prob about 2 to 4 inches of in in about 8 hours and poof al the snow was almost gone out in the open mind you the 60 to 70 mph winds realy melted the snow fast ,can you say flodding yes sir ree them folks down in the valleys are on flood watch roads closed etc...

GLOBAL WARMING then you'll see that it actually predicts that snowfalls will be heavier in our part of the World as it progresses......some areas further inland will get drier but the Coastal areas will actually see heavier snow that starts earlier and lasts longer than we become accustomed to....

Global Warming never predicts LESS snow, or rain, what it predicts is less cold and more its simplists form that means warmer average temps which means the ice pack reduces which releases more moisture which makes the climate wetter, which means.....taaaahhhh daaaahhh...... more snow.....

Based on that the record snows we are seeing in the PNW this winter are perfect proof of the postulation that the Earth is gettng warmer not proof that it isn't......

Food for thought with no statements made to whether Global Warming is true or not....

stevepedia says...................

hey you got any good info on scaup and their population issues im doing a term paper on it an need some good info. ;)



This year has nothing on '99 and the most beautiful of the Cascade volcanos.


[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva]Mount Baker holds Snowfall Record
[/font][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva]N.O.A.A. Makes It Official[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva]Wednesday, August 25, 1999[/font]


[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva] The Snowbank
photo: David Zamechek
It's official�Mt. Baker, Washington, has set a new record for the most snowfall ever measured in the United States in a single season, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) reported today. The Mt. Baker Ski Area in northwestern Washington reported 1,140 inches of snowfall for the 1998-99 snowfall season.

My best,

Don Shearer
Pullman, WA
For what it's worth, I heard on a radio talk show, I believe Hanidy, who stated the average temps this past decade were only a few tenths of a degree BELOW the average temps for the pst century. Blame Algore
GLOBAL WARMING then you'll see that it actually predicts that snowfalls will be heavier in our part of the World as it progresses......some areas further inland will get drier but the Coastal areas will actually see heavier snow that starts earlier and lasts longer than we become accustomed to....

Global Warming never predicts LESS snow, or rain, what it predicts is less cold and more its simplists form that means warmer average temps which means the ice pack reduces which releases more moisture which makes the climate wetter, which means.....taaaahhhh daaaahhh...... more snow.....

Based on that the record snows we are seeing in the PNW this winter are perfect proof of the postulation that the Earth is gettng warmer not proof that it isn't......

Food for thought with no statements made to whether Global Warming is true or not....


So where does the fact that the southern hemisphere just came off of a very cold year and antarctica had more sea ice then ever recorded fit into that?

The world may be getting warmer, it does that, but no scientist has predicted anything. They can't predict the known weather in the past with their theories and programs so how can they have a clue what is going to change in the future.

Don, it was the winter of '97-'98 that we had almost as much snow locally as we do now. Hopefully we'll get the same quality waterfowl nesting conditions again this Spring in places we don't usually get to see them nest in.

From all the reports I've been seeing on snow fall in the Northern Cascades, I thought you guys were getting close to breaking existing records this winter.

Do you remember what year it was back in the '70's when early heavy snows trapped a lot of elk hunters on opening weeked? I remember many had to be rescued by helicopter and a lot of hunters had to walk out and leave their trailers, motorhomes and trucks where they were until teh folowing spring thaw due to none-stop snowstorms that winter.

All I know is if this so called Global Warming keeps up, we will have to find a place down in the Bahama's to keep warm in the wintertime. Heck, acording to Steve and Al Gore, Joe in South Carolina will be living in an igloo!

Stop by here if you need some more "Yellow" for Steve, hehehe! And don't forget to wear your Ghillie for Mike!

You, Buddy and Mike have been watching way too many Al Gore re-runs. They have yet to make a glass ball big enough to forsee weather patterns. They are basing everything on the evidence of short term happenings weather wise. If anything, this is just another cycle same as the past 2 million cycles over the eons. The weather is not going to change just because Al Gore says we should stop world-wide emissions. At my age, all I worry about is another ice age starting tomorrow and peaking next Sunday.

So, as I said....if this years winter is any indication of "Global Warming"...I want all I can get of it.

Life was so much simpler back when all we had to worry about was paying .30 cents a gallon gasoline and El Nino's. Now if you are not raising hell over Global Warming, ya just ain't politically correct.


Life Member of the F.F.F."Fossil Fuels Forever" & Ban Steel, Bring Back Lead Association.
I don't know about Globe warming but I am in to climate change. The last ten years here in Northern Wis we have milder winters less snow. Not Southern Wis at least this year. When a teenager every winter we would have a couple of days of -40 I had an old chev was older then me. You know the ones with a starter on the floor. Every rotation one cylinder would fire for five or six times, then two would fire and when three would fire the starter would kick out and eventuality the car started. When it was that cold the tires would go bump, bump,bump, for a least the first five miles. In 1963 for two weeks it never got above -0 if your car wasn't plugged in at night with a heater it didn't start. I haven't seen -40 for years. I am going to blame the Canadians to many hot tubs up North.( : )
If we get much older Dave.Surely God must have wanted us to use lead because he put the largest lead mine in the world right smack in the middle of our country (MO).
Okay, someone tell me how in the heck you plow in roads with 20' banks. The snow from the road has to go someplace and they fer darn sure aren't pushing it off to the side with that bank in the way. It has me perplexed. My driveway gets a little narrower every time I plow it due to the snow banks...

Largest lead mine in the world - yep, I'll be underground i that mine in a couple of weeks. They have 26 miles of roadway that connects the various mines (veins). You can run a marathon underground. Wouldn't that be a hoot.

Scientists are not predicting global warming on temperature changes or looking at pinprick spots around the world and monitoring temperatures. That have bored holes through very think ice and have measured CO2 counts in trapped air bubbles. They can get a fairly accurate date in time as to where the sample was taken. According to the scientists who actually use data, and are honest in the answers, they will tell you that the earth's atmosphere is slowly approaching the highest levels of CO2 in the atmosphere ever. They will also tell you that even if we stop our output of CO2, today, the levels will build for several years. Once again, if they are honest they will tell you that they believe (but can't say 100% for sure) that CO2 is the main cause of the warming of the earth. And if they are real honest, they will tell you that not all CO2 emissions can be blamed on man.

Is the palnet warming - without a doubt. Is it all caused by man and CO2, no real scientist can positively state this.

My opinion.

Mark W

I remember something about the year they had to rescue elk hunters. If I remember right they didn't get their pickups out until after the spring thaw. I would think that was actually in the early 80s.

The winter of '98 '99 was so amazing they had to close the MT. Baker ski area due too to much snow. The ski lifts were operating in ditches dug out of the snow. If you do the math Baker got 95' of snow that year. My main hunting partner took the day off when they first opened Hwy 20 for the spring. It was the latest opening recorded. He wanted to be the first one over it. He said it was like driving through a bob sled run.

My best,

Okay, someone tell me how in the heck you plow in roads with 20' banks. The snow from the road has to go someplace and they fer darn sure aren't pushing it off to the side with that bank in the way. It has me perplexed. My driveway gets a little narrower every time I plow it due to the snow banks...

OK,picture a 15 to 25 ton truck with a giant snowblower box on the front.I'm sure the major airports in VT,NH,ME,MA have them.I know we had many at Otis AFB, 47 years ago,and with the snows they get over the passes in the western mountains,they probably have boxes that measure 12'w X 8' H,with a vertical blade attached to the right side of the box,to cut any higher bank,that can throw snow over 100'.Wish I had a picture to post.It was a site to be in the Control tower the day after a big storm,on a bright day and see the beauty of the snow rainbows as the giant snowblowers worked their majic on deep snow.First large plows would go down the runway in eschlon formation ,say 4 or 5 plows.This would pile the snow near the edge of the runway,where the snow blower would come and throw it to the otherside of the runway lights.They would come back down the other side,and a 150' wide runway would be cleared.They had large towable flame throwers(type) to melt ice that may accumulate,trying to avoid sand because of jet intake ingestion.If you get a chance,go out to Burlington airport,after a big storm, and watch the show.

Joe O
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Thanks!!! I can visualize that. That is truly awesome. I may have to go to BTV just to see that show next time we get a big dump. Neat!
