Tired of US Jobs going to China?

I am tired of buying american company made products made in china . Is nt anything made in america anymore. I no longer will buy products made in china. I purchased a Rem shotgun only to find out it was made in Russia a bid disapointment With american corporations and greed for the bottom dollar . Wal mart needs to change it s name to China mart.... I know the corporation are in a global market and that china can make it cheaper but not better with quality. Yes I am concerned about loss of jobs to China and its unfair trade practices but again there is a lack of strong leadership or anyone caring about those who have lossed jobs.....This country is not protecting it borders only recently are they paying lib service .... A country that can not defend and protect its borders is no longer a country but just territory. So yes we are not only losing job to china but to mexicans who are undercutting the labor force........sure they are hard worker but not americans that have taken many jobs from americans.......We need a strong domestic policy that protect american workers and not benefiting corp looking for cheap labor
I don't disagree, but how many Americans are willing to pay the higher prices to have product made here? I am sure many people say that they would...but the fact is they wouldn't. Just look at how many people shop at Walmart as it is...
I've said it for years, the American consumer are spending themselves out of jobs. They wanted everything cheaper...that their employer didn't make and when they got it...there was no one left to buy what they made and their job went to China.This article is a breath of fresh air, more so for the fact that when the Chinese lose their competitive edge because of better living conditions of their populace and the cost of shipping, they will return to what they can control...the people. When they start running the people backwards, the people will sure raise a stink and possibly end the totalitarian, communist rule. On the same page of this story was an article about India that was interesting too.
china's products are only cheaper until they run the competition out of business , then the greedy corporations adjust the price to their liking. nothing new been going on for years , you can blame the government that's selling the country down the river.
i didn't read that in no article in the news , i've lived it.
I hate Wal Mart as much as the rest of you, but....
A couple days ago it was 98 degrees when I got off work at 7:30, so I stopped there on the way home to buy a plastic wading pool, the hard plastic, not a blow up.
The pool says right in the middle of the bottom......
Made in the USA. I was shocked.

I had to do a plumbing job at home this week.Most of the materials I bought were made in the USA.Tub, Toilet, Fitting, pipe, tools, etc.

I have been pleasantly surprised a couple times this week.
Hate to say it but right behind China is Vietnam. When the wages in china get too high, jobs will go to Vietnam. Many car manufacturers are looking to mover production there as wages are cheaper than China and the quality is as good or better.

What scares me more than jobs moving is the buying of real cheap (due to the very very week dollar) corporations. In my own situation, we would have never had thought that 3M could be bought due to its breath of business and product lines. Witht he stock in the 60's, and many predicting it will go lower, with the current dollar vs other currencies ratio's, companies like ours can be had ver cheaply. This worried me more that stuff made offshore.

Mark W
I knew high oil prices were a good thing. Only problem is: 1. Jobs ain't coming back to American without tort reform. Defending ridiculous lawsuits will cost much more than the price of shipping from countries who don't have the same problem we have with trial lawyers and their dependents. 2. Tort reform will never happen in this country as long as there are more than 40 Democrats in the US senate, so you can just kiss your jobs and US industry goodbye. Nothing short of a revolution will ever bring them back.


I believe you are correct about US corporations getting bought by foreign investors. In fact should manufacturing come back to the US I suspect some of the cash fat Chinese will gladly set up shop here in the US but retain owenership just like the Japanese auto makers have done. Everytime I read the paper there is a new Japanese auto plant opening in Alabama or being recruited.
We've also got Hundai (Korean) and Mercedes (German) with VW being recruited (at least until they indicated they would be a union plant in a right-to-work state, Gov's office taking a second look at them now).
And it's not just auto, we've got Thyssen-Krupp (German?) steel mill going up in north Mobile and trying to get the EADS (French)-Northrop/Grunman (US) tanker plant at the downtown Mobile Airport.
My thinking is that even if it is a foriegn owner company, it's better to at least have the jobs here in the US.