todays hunt


we had a slow morning, managed to scrape 8 buffies and a hen bill :oops: wind was nonexstent and the birds were almost nonexistent, real weird for this time of year here. here is some pics from the hunt, the one guy who looks all serious is a kid who was on his third hunt, the first pic is about a minute before he shot his first bird, a drake buffie. the wind changed this afternoon to northwest, praying for some fresh birds. the little buffie deke right in front on the first pix, that is jr's first cedar block he did completely solo :thumbsup:












now thats what I am talking about. Another duck boat with a kitchen. Nothing like a hot pair of eggs with home fries if the wind doesn't show up.

Looks like the dog knows right where to look even if it is slow.
Ha! we have to set up a barricade between the "galley" and the dogs, they completely forget about ducks once the smell of bacon starts wafting throught the boat
Great work on the camo job. One of the best that I have ever seen.

I am starting to get jealous of all you guys with the kitchens in your boats. I normally bring a cooler with a cold sandwich. Changes are on the horizon boys....
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Nice setup and pictures. I hope you are all up on your tetanus shots. Those nails should be cut off so you or the dogs don't get punctured.
Thanks Mike, we spend a lot of time trying to match the shoreline with our camo, we travel with the boat and take it all up and down several times a year believe it or not.

Ryan those aren't nails but GRK cabinet screws, we usually use 1 1/4" but out supplier was out of the small ones and only had 2 1/2" I can't break them off as we will pull them and re-use them but I agree, they are danagerous, no injuries yet, the layout of the inside keeps the dogs away from the edge but not your jacket or waders when your scooping up dekes in the dark. today we had a buddies 4 year old son out on his first hunt, I spent the whole morning following him around with my hands between him and the blind, tired me right out, the boy had a great time, i'd love to post pics but I don't feel comfortable posting someone elses kid on the interbox. the boat is do for an overhaul next year and 2x2 batton strips on the exterior to screw to are on the list of upgrades. That boat was built from the ground up out of salvaged parts and materials in my 20's and early 30's the next overhaul will be the 4th, it started as 2 20 foot toons some 2x4's and a 1957 evinrtude 35 hp, every 8 years or so we evolve and re-build as our budget allows, the next build should be a doozie, I need to get it done before jr hits college!
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