Trip this fall. Where to go?


New member
A few of us are looking to take a trip this year where we can freelance hunt. We live and hunt the Chesapeake Bay, but are looking for something a little new. Last year a few of us bought Higbees and we have really enjoyed gunning out of these little boats. We really enjoy shooting ducks over water, with divers being our first choice, but would love to have a couple days of limits of big fat mallards. I think we are looking for a trip where we can hunt our little boats most of the time. Where would you head?

So far our thoughts are St. Clair, Long Point, North Dakota, maybe central Ontario.

I guess are deciding factors are within 2 days drive of Maryland, accessible land/water, and a variety of birds.

I would really like to hear your suggestions and some of your experiences.
Have you looked at SD? I know nonresident hate the drawing but the odds are still better then 60% that you will all get licenses if you apply together. 100% next year if you would miss out this year. The drawing is in a month so you'll know in plenty of time.
If you go somewhere in the east central to north east part of the state access is not a problem. Lots of public land and plenty of easily accessible water. Maybe too many areas to hunt if that is possible. Divers should be there in late october and the mallards may or may not be there in good numbers. Hard to say on the puddle ducks. Some years they are in the state from the start and others they show up when it starts to freeze up in november. You won't have much competition for divers on most of the lakes in SD.

I haven't hunted much north of the Brookings area. That area can be very good but there is a little higher chance of running into competition, like two boats at a ramp. :) Lots of college kids there so I'd stay north near Webster or Waubay.

Think outside the box:

Peninsula Florida for whisting ducks, mottled ducks and full plumage bluewings. Lots of ringers too.

Texas coast for redheads, gadwalls & pintails all from the same blind. White geese too.
As soon as I mention the word Florida, the cost will double. My wife's eyes will light up, and she will be ready to tag along for a sun tan. I have enjoyed watching the posts of the ringer shoot from Florida.

I also think the Texas trip for some nice plump redheads will be in the future, but maybe not this year.
If you consider going as far as SD, you should really think about going to SK, MB or even Ontario. A group of us has been freelancing in SK and MB for 10 years now and it's a great trip. Great people who are very generous with access to land and helpful in a hundred different ways and the bird numbers and scenery are staggering. We've built some really great relationships with farmers in SK and MB and look forward to the trip every year. Field hunting is amazing and you can hunt all the small sloughs and marshed for a great variety of puddlers and divers....PM me if you want more info, costs, etc.
There was an article in Wildfowl Magazine in the last few months about hunting public land lakes in Nebraska.... they had a wide variety of birds including canvasback and redheads I believe.
The Narrows! Lake Manitoba There are plenty of places to stay in the area and hunting within 10 miles of the boat dock will give you plenty of opportunity!
