Truck broken into - question

Mark W

Well-known member
So, they didn't get anything of too much value - A GPS, Ipod, hunting coat and a couple of other things but nothing that I will sorely miss. I do have a question however. Most of my hunting stuff was kept in the pick up bed that has a locked lid on it. My gun is never kept in there when the vehicle has to sit outside like it did last night. Suppose they would have taken my gun, does this make it a bigger crime? What could I be liable for if that gun, that is registered to me, would have been used in an armed robbery or murder the saem night that they took it?

Just curious.

So, how does the insurance for this work. The rtuck was slighly damaged during the break in and there was stuff stolen. What insurance does this fall under? Homeowners, car?

Mark W
Sorry to hear about that, what a hassle.

File police report ASAP. Call your insurance agent and let them do what you pay them to do. They should ensure that claims are submitted through the appropriate insurance policies.

I have no idea about the liability around someone staling your gun and using it in a crime. Sounds like a plot for a Law and Order show...

Good luck. Sounds like a good excuse to buy a new GPS, iPod and hunting jacket...

Several years back my truck was broken into while on a combo fishing/turkey hunting trip. While I was away at the stream fishing, someone(s) cleaned out my truck and I mean everything. All my camping and hunting gear, even my clothes at stuff like that. I guess they didn't want to take the time to sort it all right then and there.

I filed a police report and the insurance claim for my gear was covered thru my homeowners policy, not my truck policy. I provided the serial numbers for the gun to the local law enforcement. Every year I get a follow up call from the police to see if the gun has been located.

At the time insurance was real good about replacing everything and because I had serial numbers, the gun was replaced just by going out and picking a brand new one off the shelf. ( I had originally bought it new also.)
You sure your insurance company is still in business today? You'll bite the deductable and if it doesn't meet it anyway in case it happens again next week. If you discover a gun missing, report it to the police as soon as you know it. The left has wanted to hold victims of theft responsible for the actions of the thieves when a gun is involved for quite a while now. I need to get my gun out of the backseat after reading usually stays there all season. With the economy the way it is, there has been a lot of break ins in our rural area lately.

You can get additional insurance coverage for your guns. It runs about 1/50 of the insured value annually.

I purchased the coverage earlier this year when I realized that with two boys who are hunting age now, I sometimes have several guns in the car. Of course, it depends what your homeowner's deductible is, whether it's worth having a special policy on guns.

Sorry to hear that Mark. My suburban was broken into in Anoka in August about 4pm on the way home from the game fair. I stopped at the lawn orniment shop on the corner of hwy 10 and sunfish blvd. to look at chimnas. I was 75 yards from my suburban for 10 minutes I didn't even go inside the show room- I walked back to my truck and saw the glass an the parking lot. All they got was samples of dog food in a messenger bag that was on the back seat floor. They must of thought it was a purse or something but they had to look pretty hard I have tinted windows and the bag was on the floor. Could have been way worse. My winchester model 42 and shooting bag was in the back-cost $240 for a new window.
Yesterday my buddies neighbors house was totally ramsaked in the middle of the day - they lost everything tvs rugs artwork pots pans furniture the cops estimate the thieves posed as contractors pulled up in a white van and loaded it up in the middle of the day.I guess they even had a dog ( golden retriever) luckily the thieves left it alone. It would be bad enough having your space violated but to come home to a broken up or dead dog would really suck
I was think about the purse in the car deal and I came up with an idea:
1. Go to goodwill and get an old purse with the metal framed opening and latch
2. Find a big ass hornet nest
3. Put purse around hornets nest ,close and latch shut cut nest off branch
4. Shake purse to ensure hornets are angry
5. Park car on street or parking lot in plain view
6. Place purse on front seat of car and leave doors unlocked
Mark I had $2K worth of fly fishing gear stolen out of my truck 6 weeks ago. My homeowner's policy covered it and I had a check for $600 over the amount I estimated in a few days. I was real impressed with my outfit...hopefully you have the same luck. I couldn't believe they not only accepted my estimate but also increased it to cover my deductible of $500.

You have been a victim of a felony, Larceny from Vehicle (LFA) >$1000(thats what I totaled from your description of stolen items), and tack on another if a gun was stolen (Felony Firearms). Obviously contact the closest law enforcement agency and have a report filed asap. It is a good idea to write down all your serial #'s of your weapons for this exact reason, if your gun was STOLEN and used in a crime, as long as you reported it stolen before the crime, your good. If your gun was USED in a crime and not reported stolen well thats a different story.....

Sorry to hear about your luck, dirt bags like that don't last very long, they always get caught, usually they are stealing to feed an addiction they cannot control anymore, don't worry it will catch up with them.