Enlighten us with the full story Davey.
I couldn't enter both Drake Old Squaw in the carving competition, only one. So the other one I put on
display at the RFA table. I also had
cork Pintails For Sale. The people at the table were told the Old Squaw was NOT for sale, just a display bird, you know, attract visitors to the RFA table. The cork Pintail sale was going to be donated to the RFA. Well the guy working the table went to the bathroom and forgot to tell the girl that the Old Squaw wasn't for sale. So of course, the biggest jerkoff in the world wants to buy it and she sells it to him for $40.
I track the guy down, and for 20 minutes I basically beg for my decoy back, I even offered to pay him $50 to buy it back. I explained that it was a mistake, that the Old Squaw was not for sale. This guy was the biggest A-hole I've ever met in my life. He refused to return the decoy, saying that a deal is a deal, even though I never sold it to him. Finally I lost my cool and I let this guy hear it. I called him every word in the book and just about knocked him the hell out. If it wasn't for Jim coming over, I probably would have turned that tent into a WWF ring.
I understand that the guy bought the decoy for $40, but how can somebody not have the integrity to return it when the sale was in error?? I am the carver, I told him that. I said my name is painted on the bottom and I did NOT authorize that sale. If I were to sell that decoy, it would have a $125 price tag on it, but in this situation, I don't care about the money. This decoy was part of a RIG (of 3) that I carved to gun over with my Dad this season. It was my FIRST Old Squaw decoy and it came from a piece of cedar that my Dad had bought last year for me to carve.
Now listen, I'm 30 years old and I've been gunning with my Dad since I was 10. Maybe I'm strange, but some of the decoys I carve mean something to me. I always like to keep the first decoy of every species I carve. And my Dad had bought cedar last year to make some gunning birds for "our" rig, which is where those Old Squaws came from. The rig has meaning to me and selling any of them never crossed my mind. Sure, I sell decoys, and if somebody wanted an Old Squaw decoy from me, I would carve one for them, but I wouldn't sell these.
Lesson learned on my part. I never should have left the decoy in somebody elses care unless they are someone who knows me. I don't blame the folks at the RFA table, I shouldn't have put them in that position.
This was my fault 100%. I also learned another lesson - I used to assume that every stranger was a nice person until proven otherwise. I find it hard to think that way after this. I guess I'm shocked at the lack of integrity of this guy. If I had been in his position, I would have returned the decoy no questions asked, and I think most of us would do the same.
So long buddy LOL!