Two thumbs up for Barrett Refusing to sell to NY Government

Jeff can you tell us why limiting mag size and certain firearms is constitutional? If we're reading the same one it reads to me that I should be able to own similar arms of those that would be used against me by others and our own govt. It doesnt say give the people guns but only O/U's and 6 shot revolvers....not even a little bit.
Jeff can you tell us why limiting mag size and certain firearms is constitutional?

Nope. I'm not a legal scholar and I don't know what's constitutional.
(I may be wrong, but I believe the Supreme Court has reviewed and upheld the long-standing restrictions on ownership of fully automatic weapons.)

I don't support the assault weapons ban as written last time around, and in general think it's a stupid approach to pick and choose guns based on cosmetic characteristics.

I'm not sure how I feel about magazine capacity restrictions, but I think it's reasonable to discuss them. My key question is whether restrictions on magazine would slow down a killer on a rampage. If so, I'd support them, but there seems to be debate about that.

I can't speak for the details of what NY and CA have done as I haven't really looked at them. I'm pretty sure I'd find things I think are stupid and wrong if I did.

If they might be unconstitutional, someone ought to be pressing that case ASAP.

I'm pretty sure that background checks are constitutional. I'm not aware that anyone has ever challenged their constitutionality. I support making them required for all firearms transfers except within family. So did Wayne Lapierre and the NRA back in 1999, but that seems to have changed.
The NRA has been in favor of the background checks as far as I know. What makes them useless is the fact that all, ALL, of these proposed checks and laws only hurt the law abidding citizen. A criminal is going to get what gun and mag they want. They do it now and dont submit themselved to checks that are in place now. A crazy person will do the same or find another available weapon. Are we going to take base ball away from our kids too when the stats on how many bats are used to kill people.
If you think that this is all about making us safer your very wrong. Its an agenda that liberals have had for a long time and thats no secret. They want more power and armed citizens are the only thing that scares them. They've just now found the right tradgety to push it. God rest their souls.

I dont claim to be a scholar either, but just in reading my local paper I think we could curb a lot of crime by getting rid of suspended sentences. Hardly anyone sees any real punishment for their actions anymore. How can we add new laws when the ones we have arent enforced?
The NRA has been in favor of the background checks as far as I know. What makes them useless is the fact that all, ALL, of these proposed checks and laws only hurt the law abidding citizen. A criminal is going to get what gun and mag they want. They do it now and dont submit themselved to checks that are in place now. A crazy person will do the same or find another available weapon. Are we going to take base ball away from our kids too when the stats on how many bats are used to kill people.
If you think that this is all about making us safer your very wrong. Its an agenda that liberals have had for a long time and thats no secret. They want more power and armed citizens are the only thing that scares them. They've just now found the right tradgety to push it. God rest their souls.

I dont claim to be a scholar either, but just in reading my local paper I think we could curb a lot of crime by getting rid of suspended sentences. Hardly anyone sees any real punishment for their actions anymore. How can we add new laws when the ones we have arent enforced?

I could not agree more.
Make it manditory for any crimes commited using a gun a minimum sentence of ten years. If a gun is used in a murder, then fry their a$$. I'll be happy to throw the switch myself or at least life in prison. This country has become to soft on real crime and now the law abiding citizens have to pay the price.

Let's get all the cars off the road because drunk drives use them to kill people....the list goes on and on. Knives, bats, hammers etc. etc. enough is enough.
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The NRA has been in favor of the background checks as far as I know. What makes them useless is the fact that all, ALL, of these proposed checks and laws only hurt the law abidding citizen. A criminal is going to get what gun and mag they want. They do it now and dont submit themselved to checks that are in place now. A crazy person will do the same or find another available weapon. Are we going to take base ball away from our kids too when the stats on how many bats are used to kill people.
If you think that this is all about making us safer your very wrong. Its an agenda that liberals have had for a long time and thats no secret. They want more power and armed citizens are the only thing that scares them. They've just now found the right tradgety to push it. God rest their souls.

I dont claim to be a scholar either, but just in reading my local paper I think we could curb a lot of crime by getting rid of suspended sentences. Hardly anyone sees any real punishment for their actions anymore. How can we add new laws when the ones we have arent enforced?

I don't think I proposed taking anyone's guns away. Remember, I oppose the assault weapons bans.

I get your argument that a law requiring background checks may not be 100% effective because some people won't follow the law. That's true of "Thou shalt not kill" and "Thou shalt not steal", too. Last I checked, we weren't taking those off the books because some people violate them.

If we eliminate as many of the opportunities where law breakers can get guns without a background check as possible, we'll make it harder for them get guns. That's not perfect, but it's a good thing.

And I don't agree that background checks will hurt law-abiding citizens. With every gun purchase I've ever made, the background check took less than 15 minutes. It would mean that if I met someone for a private sale, I'd have to meet them at an FFL instead of random public place, and add perhaps $10-25 in a fee for the FFL to perform a background check for us. That's not an undue burden, in my opinion, for the peace of mind of knowing that I haven't sold to a felon or someone with a restraining order.

No you didnt Jeff but the lax mentality you show towards govt controls scares many and is viewed as a reason the govt has over stepped its bounds. Myself included. Its what has gotten us into the crap pile of a govt we now have and it wont fix a thing. Will you be ok when the govt decides to take 5 years to view your gun app? I know thats extreme but I dont want the govt in any more control of a constitutional right than they have to be. Actually they shouldnt be. They are there to make sure that they stay in place, not limit them, or remove them. Yet the left argues that the constitution is a living document and should be rewritten as needed. Malarkey.
Thanks for your opinion Jeff. Its good to see both sides, but as you can see Im for less govt and govt control. Let the laws that are in place be enforced and let the LEOs do their jobs without fear of prosecution.
No you didnt Jeff but the lax mentality you show towards govt controls scares many and is viewed as a reason the govt has over stepped its bounds. Myself included. Its what has gotten us into the crap pile of a govt we now have and it wont fix a thing. Will you be ok when the govt decides to take 5 years to view your gun app? I know thats extreme but I dont want the govt in any more control of a constitutional right than they have to be. Actually they shouldnt be. They are there to make sure that they stay in place, not limit them, or remove them. Yet the left argues that the constitution is a living document and should be rewritten as needed. Malarkey.
Thanks for your opinion Jeff. Its good to see both sides, but as you can see Im for less govt and govt control. Let the laws that are in place be enforced and let the LEOs do their jobs without fear of prosecution.

I agree 100% with you Doug
If you have not already noticed the 2nd amendment of the United States Constitution is under attack by Barrack Obama and his most liberal supporters... I wish that was the only issue facing our country as we navigate the waters and fine line between democracy and socialism. We are at the most critical crossroads in our nation since the Civil War... It is time to remember the principles upon which our country was founded and do everything possible to make sure they are not lost in the "enabling society" that our president is determined to shove down our throats. Thank you Barrett for taking a stand. Please everyone search your souls and do the right thing... time is runnng out...!
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As a dealer in NY for over 40 years, I have seen alot of sales and trades. I do private sales and gun shows. We do background checks on all gun sales. No parking lot sales person to person.
In the years I have only had one refusal, which was a residency time problem. I think must dealers agree with the checks, only nothing is done with the illegal try to purchase a gun. No follow up by the feds when a illegal purchase was tried. Enforce the current laws, don't make new laws they won't enforce. Seven round mags aren't the problem. Neither is the AR, now the M1 carbine is a assault weapon.
If the large mags are bad in NY why ship them to other states...
There are currently 44 companies that refuse to sell firearms or firearms related goods to police in NY or NYS officials until the SAFE ACT is repealed and 26 Counties that have passed legislation either refusing to enforce the new law or proclaiming that it should be nullified/ repealed. Many more are pending legislation. I read Suffolk County is considering such legislation. If you live in that county you should call, email, and write all those county legislators and your sheriffs Dept. asking them to say NO to the SAFE ACT..... and make sure all you buddies do too!

Check out the NYS Rifle and Pistol Association or Face Book them. They have very up to the minute information on everything related to the SAFE ACT.
They have a list of all the companies supporting the citizens of NYS. Very good info. especially on face book.

Going to the rally in Albany Feb. 28th?
