Unexpected loss

She always wanted to go for a ride in the truck,
But most of all she loved it when we got to shoot a duck.
She retrieved almost everyone,
You could tell she had a lot of fun.

Being a Lab she was trained easily,
Sit, Stay, Heal were taught quickly.
She was naturally smart,
except for the digging part.

She behaved well and would mind,
Nearly perfect when in the blind.
But when at home she ignored my wife,
It appeared to be her way of saying that she was the real girl in my life.

She loved our daughter Ali and Ali loved her,
She watched over Ali who at times was her torturer.
Being only four years old, Ali didn’t know,
that on hot afternoons, dogs shouldn’t be tied to fence rows.

We watched her care for our old dog Annie,
She often licked her swollen belly.
We never thought that she would be the first dog to go,
But how were we to know?

I hope in time our hearts will heal,
We were not prepared for how her absence would make us feel.
On the mantle her stinky collar sits,
How I wish around your thick neck it still fits.

She was loyal,
And loved to please.
Never hesitating,
To jump in the water that was ready to freeze.

Oh the great times we had,
Hiding from harmless birds as if we were mad.
In her prime she started to peak,
And now she left us and our hearts have become weak.

Goodbye dear friend,
You will forever be missed.
Cassidy was your name,
and part of the family you became.

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Sorry to hear of your loss Brad.

They always leave us way too soon.

Although, as my friend once wrote- "the trouble with dogs is if they lived as long as we do, we'd only get to love or two in our lifetimes". So true.

Only time will heal your broken heart.

What a beautiful girl. I'm so sorry to hear of her loss, Brad. That was a wonderful tribute in her name. If there would be any consoling at this time, the memories you have of her and time, will help get you through this.
After seeing some of the wonderful ideas that many of you have had in commemorating your lost hunting partners and family members, we have decided that Cassidy will be cremated and then we'll encapsulate her remains in a decoy.

I feel there is no better way to honor her; she deserves to see a few more sunrises over the lake.

Thank you everyone for your condolences. I never imagined it was going to be this difficult...

Must have been an exceptional dog, friend, and family member to have such wonderful things written about her. I am truly sorry for your loss.

She was a great dog. All she wanted was to work hard and be part of the family (besides being fed every minute of the day). Today my nephew and I honored her in the blind. The gravity of her absence was revealed today. We had a good hunt and birds decoyed perfectly, but the routine was all wrong. The celebration of harvesting the birds was awkward. When I went to get in the boat to retrieve one that 'got away' I actually looked for her and was about to call her into the boat when it hit me again. I honestly felt guilty that I was out there without her...