Upcoming Event Roll Call

Eric Patterson

Staff member
Who is going to be at the www.H2xpo.com Sept 7-9 at Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL?

Who is going to be at the Southern Wildlife Festival in Decatur, AL Oct 18-19, in particular the decoy show?
still haven't decided about the decoy show eric. would be nice to get back down there and see everyone again.


I won't make the September event, but will be back in Decatur in October for the decoy show. Look forward to seeing you again.

I can't make the H2O Expo as work has me marooned here in VA. I'll be at the Wildlife Fest, of course. They'd LYNCH me if I didn't make that one........
ok. ok ... we'll see. i work sundays these days.. but that's really the only holdup. that and the wife's (that's right.. i said wife! :) ) test schedule.

i'll keep you guys posted. i have birds ready either way ... just need keels.


I still want to have you over for a call turning sesssion. I'm about to buy a bench grinder so I can sharpen my turning tools. Right now they are so dull I couldn't turn a bar of soap.
I would be glad to. Or you guys can come over to my shop. I had a booth over at Stevenson today for the MudBuddy deal. Sold a few calls and met a lot of great folks. Shawn
straighten me out...NEVER <<<<EVIL LAUGH>>>>>

guess i better get carving. i need a rig to enter this year as well :) so far i have 2 (maybe 3) iwca's and one gunner.
