Used & Abused

Jim Boyer

Active member
In 1989, we bought a used snow blower from my father-in-law. We've used it regularly....some winters quite often. Last summer, I took the old "machine" in for a tune-up. The small-motor repairman said, "I haven't see one of these in years." However, he was able to "ward off its death" and it ran really well.

This winter saw goose season "end" almost a month before the official date. Deep snow and very low temperatures sent them south....early. That has happened three years in a row.

Then "the blizzard of 2011" hit us. Looking at news reports, we fared better than many, but the driveway had more snow in it than ever before. I'm seventy now so I seem to be developing more of a personal relationship with the "old dinasour". We both are "used and abused".........but we are still able to "get the job done". However, I could use a tuneup....on second thought a major overhaul might be better.

I'm looking forward to spring. With a new boat coming, a dead mount of two cans to be delivered and another season of duck hunting on the horizon, snow becomes nothing more than a momentary nuisance. My body says otherwise, but it's the thought that counts.


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Jim, I have some "old dinasours" in my barn I still use. My roto tiller and push mower are older than my kids (22 &19yrs) but are still hanging in there. Like your snowblower, they have a personality of their own and it will be a sad day when they have to be replaced.
I'm 21 and I sure felt 70 by the time I was done. Biggest drifts and snowfall that I can remember since being in Minnesota as a kid
I appreciate your story. We've had our house since 1998. Occasionally friends and family would plow us out when things got bad, but I often found myself shoveling out our 90 foot long driveway. During the first two weeks of December 2010 we got 70 inches of snow. In the midst of it I asked around at work if anyone knew of a used snow blower for sale. A friend offered to sell me his. I bought it and was in heaven. I can now clear the driveway twice a day, in less than half the time, and I don't feel wiped out. I've also noticed that my back doesn't hurt any more when I bend over to tie my son's skates at hockey. Snow blowers are an expense, but they're worth it. And like good tires on the truck, it is a help in getting the boat to the water during the late duck season.

May your spring come soon.
Thank goodness it is still operating. I happened to be in one of the local restaurants in Socorro prior to looking for land. I asked the same question of 5 locals and it went something like this: Does it snow down here? Each answer was almost identical----"Yes it does however I can't remember if it was three years or four years ago when it did." Well it has been a while and I guess the 8 inches of snow that we got has made up for a few years of getting nothing.
I'm waiting for it to melt because I don't even own a snow shovel.

Looking west from our back yard.


Next time feel free to load up that old snow blower and head across town! Actually our drive wasn't too bad the wind was blowing so darn hard it kept the drive clear. The airing yards for the dogs are a different story. The fences acted like snow fences. The one yard has about 5' of snow in it!
Thank goodness it is still operating. I happened to be in one of the local restaurants in Socorro prior to looking for land. I asked the same question of 5 locals and it went something like this: Does it snow down here? Each answer was almost identical----"Yes it does however I can't remember if it was three years or four years ago when it did." Well it has been a while and I guess the 8 inches of snow that we got has made up for a few years of getting nothing.
I'm waiting for it to melt because I don't even own a snow shovel.

Looking west from our back yard.


Awesome scenery...
Be patient, we only have around six calendar weeks left until spring..If you are in the northern midwest, i have to correct that--May is just around the corner!
Be patient, we only have around six calendar weeks left until spring..If you are in the northern midwest, i have to correct that--May is just around the corner!

George, that is funny! I used to think that way back in the 60's when I lived in Alaska. I remember seeing the "termination dust" start at the top of the Chugach mountains in late August and then it would slowly descend into Anchorage. It seemed like we drove on ice and snow for about 2/3rds of the year. Times have changed up there from what my friends have told me.
I had a friend who lived in the foothills of the cascades outside of Easton Wa, one winter it snowed so much and Loinel was so tired of fussing with the snow he told me one day he was going to head south with a snow shovel tied to his front bumper.

I asked him why would he do that and he replied,, so when the first guy ask's me "what is that thing"? I"ll know thats where I want to move to .

Hope the rest of your winter is good. We have been lucky up here this winter, most of the big storms have avoided us.
great pictures of how a drive way should look! Mine will next year after I buy a snow blower this summer when they are back in stock in the North East..... for sure not to snow after I do that.

Diggin again this saturday if the man has his forecast correct again.........
Looks like Vermont here on the ocean of the Nutmeg State.
Great story Jim, not to make you feel bad or anything, but way up here I did not even break out a shovel or a broom. Winds blew, but no snow. You have more in your yard than the vaulted "frozen tundra" does.

Have a good one. Hope that old boy is electric start.
Just got back from town had to get a bolt for my snow blower. It is a good snow blower but they could have used a little Lock Tite on the bolts. Big snow I use a plow truck but for small jobs the snow blower. It is also a good back up for the truck. Lately while everyone South of here has been getting a lot of snow we get a dusting. Take care of that with a scraper, good exercise. Got up to twenty degrees today, heat wave. Legend has it, they don't even wear shirts in the UP when it is that warm. Though I have seen them wearing Sorrels in July.
I have about 4ft in my back yard where their is no wind. I had to shovel off the roofs of all my buildings because the was 3 to 3-1/2ft of hard packed snow on them. A local community center colapsed under the weight of the snow on its roof. An othe 3 days of snow is forcast for next week begining sunday, they say about 1 1/2ft when its all over.