USFWS Wing survey?

Glad to to see others have done and are also going to to do there part in helping with survey. After all isn't it us the hunters who complain every year it seems about this or that we feel is not right or just. I believe the effort will be worth it, at least a few years. I can imagine repeatedly being asked could be come like work, fast. For those who haven't received a surveyor request they do give a option to not send in by the 16 of july to participate or not and ask to check box about approx number of fowl usaully harvested.
For me they will get a lil' more bang for there buck. As I live 5 miles from the altantic flyway and hunt it as much if not more than mississippi flyway. I'm sure they'll notice it with the records. With the surprising amount of guys doing the survey on site. After the season when we all get are stuff back it'll be intersting to revist this post and see if anything odd to compare.
About being asked to be a Rail,snipe etc. survyor I think your going have to "take on for the team". HAHA.. I've only ever seen it done once with my own eyes and read about few times. Looks fun though, watch some guys push pole over salt grass tumps with nor-easter filling Chincoteague bay While on late vacation.
Another excellent thread provided by the knowledge of those who participate on the site.

Thanks fellas
I particpiated once int he 80s, when I lived in Canada. I was back on again the past two years. I still have some envelopes, I'll send them in regardless. I haven't received a reposnse yet from last year's harvest.

I'm 60% sure they were Canadian ones, when I was living in Canada. Here in the US they are American... I was randomly selected (they say).
This is neat. I stumble upon this thread and think "oh, that's interesting, would be neat do that some day". Then open the mail downstairs and find I've been selected to do it this year. Will be interesting to see the results at the end. Last year I did a questionnaire type survey they mailed me post-season.
This is neat. I stumble upon this thread and think "oh, that's interesting, would be neat do that some day". Then open the mail downstairs and find I've been selected to do it this year. Will be interesting to see the results at the end. Last year I did a questionnaire type survey they mailed me post-season.

I just got my Info back from this last season.

The info broke down as: 172 Duck Wings 3 Goose Tails
Drake Ducks 128----74.4%
Adult Ducks 111-----64.5%





I just got my survey back yesterday. This was my first year for submitting wings. Anyway, of the birds taken, 59% were juveniles/41% were adults. 60% were drakes and 40% were hens. I then took the time to figure out what species were shot at what percentages.
Mallards/Mexican ducks 34%, Gadwalls 25%, Widgeons 15%, Greenwing teal 13%, Bluewing/Cinnamon teal 7%, wood ducks 3%, and spoonbills/ringnecks/buffleheads 3%.
I am already looking forward to this upcoming duck season where I'll once again be saving those duck wings.